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"What do you mean by 'here'?" Henry asked

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"What do you mean by 'here'?" Henry asked.

"I mean, it's getting closer to town. I assume this person is tired of receiving radio silence on their end." I expanded. I handed Henry the phone and pointed at the screen.

"What does that mean? What do we do?" Jacklynn asked.

"What can we do? We're kind of stuck. Jacklynn is still alive and well while this person's sidekicks are rotting somewhere." Jamie spoke up.

"This could be useful." Henry stroked his chin.

"Care to share your deep thinking with the class?" I inquired.

"They don't know that we have this phone. We could arrange a meeting in a public area. That would increase our chances of getting more answers and fewer bullet wounds." Henry explained.

"Surprise them?" Mike asked.

"Yes. This situation could be an advantage if we play our cards right."

"Or it could get us all killed." Jacklynn pointed out.

"Being in public would decrease those odds. We're just going to talk. Only an idiot would pick a fight in public with someone of my status." Henry reassured her.

"Why don't we ambush them? You said they're moving towards town. Why don't we meet them halfway and deliver the final blow?" Mike asked.

"We don't know if this person is alone. We don't know their status and why they want Jacklynn killed. Those factors would heavily impact their firepower." Henry explained.

"I think the best course of action is to arrange a public meeting. We should leave this person under the impression that we're still their contact." Alex chimed in.

"We would need to meet somewhere where we have the advantage, an area we know well and preferably have domain over." Henry sat next to me as I got to work on my laptop.

"The Cleveland Bar on South Street looks lovely this time of year," I suggested.

"Great. We'll meet there."

"You guys are going through with this?" Jacklynn asked.

"How else do you suggest we get answers?" Henry inquired.

"Jacklynn, we've been in this trade for years. We've got this." I reassured her.

"What's everyone else's verdict?" Henry looked around.

"I'm in," Alex answered.

"Same here," Jamie agreed.

"I like my plan better, but this one will do," Mike muttered.

"It's final. I'll text the number." Henry announced.

"What about Jacklynn?" Jamie asked.

"What about her?" I replied.

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