Back Bone, Back Story

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A/N: TW for this chapter. It contains heavy themes of narcissism and manipulation told from the perspective of the manipulator/narcissist. If you are sensitive to this topic please be cautious while reading. Sorry, it's so short, but I could only stand being in this headspace for so long. Plus, I didn't want to risk any potential spoilers.  Enjoy!

"Excellent, call me when she's dead. Don't disappoint me, Vincent." I hung up the phone and approached Dottie's cell. She had been crying all night. I was surprised she had not drowned herself in her sorrow.

"You'll be free from our cage soon, Sparrow," I announced. She turned her tear-stained face towards me, revealing her bloodshot eyes.

"How did you sleep last night? You look awful."

"Go to hell." She spat.

"And leave you here all by yourself? Not a chance. You're stuck with me, Sparrow." I chuckled.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" She supported her weight on the thick bars of her cell. Her hands wrapped around the iron rods to reveal her bruised knuckles and bloody nail stubs.

"Not yet. Although, I think you'll get to it before I can."

"You think I'm going to kill myself?"

"The only person you've ever cared for is about to meet their maker, and you have nowhere to turn. If you don't kill yourself, the broken heart might do it."

"You can't die from a broken heart." She muttered.

"You'd be a sterling candidate for that study."

"I would be dead by now."

"Perhaps you are. You look like a ghost."

"You would never allow me to pass on peacefully."

"I'm glad to see you haven't completely forgotten your place. I wouldn't need leverage to keep you around anyone. You can't exist without me."

"But why? Why do you do this to me?"

This meltdown would be hilarious if it were not so pathetic.

Oh, what the hell? I will laugh anyway.

"Do you seriously think you'll be able to make it out in the real world without me? You came to me when you were a scared, weak little birdie. I've taken your old life off your shoulders and given you a new purpose. It was so easy to take you under my wing and shelter you from everything you ran from."

"You took advantage of me when I was weak and vulnerable. You didn't care about me. You enjoyed the power fix I gave you. You pinned me down at my lowest and never let me get back up." She shot back as if this statement was some revelation.

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