Heavy Is The Crown

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"Lucas always answers the phone

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"Lucas always answers the phone. I don't understand." I redialed the number, but the voice repeated itself.

"Perhaps he's just busy." Henry offered.

"No, my father was his best paying customer. Money talks, you know? There's no way he'd not pick up."

"Give it a few hours. If Lucas doesn't pick up tonight, I'll ask Lacey to look into it."

"I asked him for a briefing every night on the investigation. So if he doesn't pick up then, I'll know something is up." I picked at my nails as we pulled into the driveway of Maria.

"Give him some time. I know this is a very stressful ordeal for you to experience, but my family has connections everywhere. We'll find something, and we don't have the confines of the law restricting us." He laughed.

We entered the house, and a loud bang followed by Mike grumbling 'Spawn of Satan' under his breath made me jump.

"Are he and Lacey siblings?"

"No, but they might as well be."

We found Jamie making lunch in the spacious, bright kitchen.

"Nu-uh, wait for everything to be ready." Jamie scolded as she smacked Henry's hand with the spatula.

"You're no fun." Henry pouted as he flipped her off.

"I will chase you two out of the kitchen with this hot, greasy spatula." Jamie threatened as she shook her weapon at us.

"Squash, are you home?" Lacey poked her head into the kitchen.

"Hey Squish. Is Mike still alive?" He teased.

"Unfortunately." She huffed.

"Oh, come on. You know you love Mike." He gave her a gentle shoulder bump, causing her to fake gag.

"Alright, three is party, four is a crowd. Get out, the lot of you." Jamie shooed us out with her greasy weapon.

"She likes her space, huh?" I asked.

"The garage and the kitchen are her safe spaces. She's very protective of them."

"Thanks for the warning." I laughed.

"What happened at the police station?" Lacey asked as we sat in the cozy living room.

"The police Sherriff blackmailed me. I had to get a new number so that creep wouldn't contact me anymore. To top it off, my father's investigator may have joined the vanishing act."

"Every turn in this situation has been a left." Lacey shook her head.

"You're telling me. So, with Henry's permission, I've employed the family's help. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not. You're not the only one benefitting from our involvement." She winked.

"So I've been told."

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