Chapter 1

243 14 16

Seoul, 2080

The wind beat at my face ferociously as I hurriedly made my way towards the train station to catch my train on time. But catching the train wasn't the only reason I was hurrying. The said ferocious wind had a source, and that source was the incoming hurricane that was going to hit Korea Republic very soon.

Businesses for the day were closing and it wasn't even afternoon yet. No one had seen the natural disaster coming, and now that the forecasts knew about the danger, the government had issued an early evacuation in the places closest to to water and for the rest to stay home.

How staying in home was going to help I still didn't know.

Not long had I entered the train and seated myself down, the worm like vehicle was already moving, its insides filled to the brim with passengers. All I could do was sigh in frustration.

What a waste of a resourceful day. So much work could have been done today, and look at it getting wasted over a damn hurricane.

Seriously the weather these days...

Grandma says it was never like this back then. She says that during her time, they had had their own fair share of disasters, but not as frequent as it is now. She says that natural disasters are so common now that they are more considered as seasons rather than disasters.

The stories she tells me about her time, back when 21st Century was new, it all sounds so...surreal. like a different world. She says the skies were more blue than white, and the clouds white like cotton instead of grey like ashes. She says the grasses were actually dark green and not as light as lemon. That the air didn't always smell of diesel and the water didn't taste bitter.

As a matter of fact, she said that things were much much more colourful and vibrant long before she was born, when technology was considered magic and all society knew was to gossip.

Now, everywhere around me are sullen eyes with bags underneath, only fixated on the phones in their hands.  No one gossips over tea leisurely anymore. No one even greets anyone on the streets. Because everyone is too busy with their own lives, trying to actually breath in a work loaded life. No one has the luxury to actually get to know each other.

Society is nothing but just a population of people trying to survive now.

I released a yet another frustrated sigh, tilting my head backwards before shutting my eyes for just a mere second. I really wanted to get some work done, but looks like that is completely out of the question.


The wind had picked up speed, getting harsher by the second while I forced my legs to move forward. Only a few more steps and I would be home. Just a little longer.

But as I walked, something strange caught my eyes.

There, on the side of the road, sat a couple of old ladies, middle ages ones, and a few young girls, all wearing purple raincoat's to protect themselves.

I have seen many vagabonds and homeless people, starving and dying in the streets even during disasters, but one look at these people and I knew they weren't vagabonds.

They were commoners just like me. But what was different about them, was said in the placards that they held up despite the wind beating harshly at them.

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