Chapter 17

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"We are not going anywhere. Not forever. We will come back, and we will fix this mess. We have to lay low for a while. It's the only strategy we've got. You know that. You are smarter than this."

Even after those words left Jimin's lips. Those very words that I have been listening for Iver a month now and have it engraved in my head, I do nothing.

I don't talk. I don't smile. I don't even move. I do nothing but stare at the asphalt floor.

I have replied to those one too many times, but no more. I could do no more of it.

So I stood there, doing nothing and saying nothing as the whole scenario unfolded before me for the 45th time, only this time I never entertained them with any response.

I was too numb for that.

"We will be gone but we will still be in touch. You know that right?" Said Taehyung, and it took all my will to not chuckle at the cruelty game the divinities were playing.

Taehyung only says that when I asked them for hugs. I didn't say a word, and yet the words leave his mouth like a rehearsed dialogue.

Which only means one thing.

I lift my head up, but bear no smile. I stare at them with a blank face before giving a curt nod to let them know I understood.

No matter what I do, change the script, kill myself, or even do nothing, the events will never change. They will never change for what is meant to be.

I couldn't live another day of the same pain. Better to give the cold shoulder.

BTS will always die. Every. Single. Time.

That leaves the question, why am I here then?

How long do I stay here?

I didn't wait to watch the boys get in the plane. I had seen their gaunt faces looking back at me a thousand times.

I didn't wait as the last person, that was the manager with his brown leather jacket got inside the plans before I walked away from there, out of the runway, out of the airport and back to my apartment.


"Breaking news. Earlier this evening, Korea's biggest boy band BTS, were found dead in a plane crash."

I stood in the middle of the living room, with the lights still turned off but the bluish glow from the TV and the balcony was enough to lighten the whole room. For the nth time, I was listening to this news, this dreadful declaration of pain, as I never got used to it. As the pain came double fold every time.

It never gets old. I think to myself as my hands clenched in anger while my teeth gritted so hard it hurt my jaw. And yet I stood there, listening to that horrifying news one more time.

"According to reports, the members were on their way to Jeju island in order to escape prosecution after they were found guilty of all their charges."

"Again..." I hissed in between my teeth, eyes burning in rage. "It's the same. Again."

Yes. I wasn't upset. I wasn't sad not was I feeling that pain anymore. If anything, I was furious.

The grief and sorrow that I felt for the couple of days had now taken their new form, turning what was left of me into a blood thirsty monster. I was beyond angry. I was a burning fire. I was rage.

"YAAAHHHHH!" If the apartment wouldn't have been sound proof, the neighbors would have heard my blood curdling scream. And that was not even the last of it.

I screamed and screamed, until my throat felt scratched and dry, until the air in my lungs was gone, and my body had used up the little energy that was left.

I stopped for only the briefest moment, sucking in a deep breath before getting into the rampage again.

Only this time, my screams weren't the only thing heard across the room. The sound of glasses breaking, vase's shattering, books torn apart and furniture being over turned filled the space, but still the raging fire in my never snubbed out.

"Useless. Useless. USELESS!" So taken by my anger, I didn't even realize that my fingers and palms were bleeding from the books I harshly tore apart. It was only when I landed a kick at the couch did I come back to my senses. Why? Because I had no shows on, and I kicked a couch that weighs more than me.

"Gah!" I stumble to the floor, landing butt first as I scan my toe, the blood pooling inside the skin that never but was turning purple due to internal bleeding. Examining my toe made me notice my fingers and how much they were bleeding already. The pain in my toe was much worse than in my hands, but I sucked it all in as tears threatened to fall out.

"Don't cry." I whisper to myself with gritted teeth and fury in my eyes. "What's the point? It won't change a thing. You are stuck here anyway."

I scoffed to myself, running my bloody fingers over my hairs which stung deeply, but I couldn't care any less. "The ones that sent you here know what you are going through. They see you. Yet they do nothing. No one cares about your pain. So suck it up."

I stared at anywhere and everywhere at the same time, fearing the tears in my eyes would fall if I stared at one place for too long. And in doing so, I noticed something I never noticed before. Something in the pile of mess I created.

Tears in my eyes were long forgotten as I made my way towards the mess by crawling, my eyebrows knitted. Once I was near, I pushed away the unnecessary scraps of paper, before pulling out a something that looked like a book.

Or more like a comic book.


"Save... Me."

Huh. That is one weird title. At the same time, it sounds...oddly familiar. Like I have seen this somewhere before. Or heard about it.

Where did I see this again?

I stared at it with confusion all over my face, turning it this way and that before reading the names of the publishers.

A BTS x LINE collaboration.

Big Hit Studios

What...on earth?

When did BTS collaborate with LINE? Did it happen before I come? Why then did I never hear about this? Even in the future?

Maybe you did hear. Said my inner voice. You just can't remember.


There's only one way to find out.

I stared at the book long and hard before deciding to finally see it through. But seeing wasn't all that I did. I read every line of it.

The story of seven friends. Seokjin. Yoongi. Namjoon. Hoseok. Jimin. Taehyung. Jungkook.

What... the hell?


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