Chapter 10

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" the world..." My words remained hanging in the air as I stared at my surroundings with my jaw slacked. I couldn't believe the stunt Yoongi pulled. I couldn't believe any of them.

As the car came to a stop and Yoongi turned off the engine, I watched with my eyes turning into baseballs while the sux other hooligans ran towards the car, screaming and laughing as they pulled open the passenger door and literally dragged me out.

Needless to say, I was freaked out.

What the actual fuck us going on here?

Where am I? What is this place?

Was I kidnapped? Did these seven young men kidnap me? For what? What do they want? this the part where they tell me the truth? Show their true colors?

Bloody hell...

The laughed and clamoured around me before Taehyung grabbed my hand and begin running, dragging me along. My mind was Ina frenzy, unable to register my thoughts or my surroundings while the boys followed behind, keeping up speed.

I couldn't bring myself to laugh, or smile, or even ask what was all this about because I was scared of the answer. I was scared of their reasons.

So preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn't even realize that Taehyung and the others had stopped running and we're simply goofing around, all the while watching me for my reactions. It was only then did I bring my mind back to earth and register my surroundings.

Soft velvety sand under my feet that felt like flour. The smell of salt water thick in the air. The gentle sound of waves crashing. The serene view of the sun slowly lowering itself.

I was in a beach. And it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Why was I in a beach again? What on earth am I doing here?

Don't tell me, they plan to drown me-

"Surprise!" Seven loud voice yelled, making me all but flinch backwards, while they just laughed. And then, a silence.

The silence for me to take everything in.

"S-su-surprise?" I asked, the bafflement completely evident in my voice, so the boys took their time gently explaining me. "We planned this to cheer you up! No one knows we are here and it's our day off, do we can enjoy as much as we want!"

Yeah. Very well explained.

The boys began cheering and jumping on each other like somehow whatever Hoseok said was enough of an explanation. It wasn't.

"Cheer me up? Why?" My words had brought their joy to a halt as they looked from one to another, before Jimin answered. "Lately you look really, down. You seemed upset about something. So we thought to...cheer you up. Lighten your mood."


They planned all this...for me?

To cheer me up? Because I seemed upset?


I stared from one face to another as my lips parted but no words came, and I didn't trust my voice either because the bile in my throat was think and the last thing I wanted was to choke on my tears.

That's right. I was on the verge of tears. I felt like to cry.

They noticed my pain, although I didn't make it obvious.

But why? Why do so much for someone that you barely know? What do you gain?

"And plus," Jimin continued, rubbing his nape as he glanced at all his members before looking down at the floor. "We don't know when we shall ever get this chance again."

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