Chapter 4

142 8 7

Seoul, 2020

One month later:

"Yoona! Where are the water bottles? And the mics? The boys will be coming out soon! Where is everything!?"

"On my way!" I yelled back, grabbing the box that held all the seven water bottles with their respective names on each of them and their multi coloured mics, grunting to myself while trying to hold myself back from rolling my eyes.

The moment I reached Sejin, the man grabbed the box rather roughly before standing in his position. I knew he didn't mean to be rough because he hardly acts that way, that is something I learnt over the course of my one month stay in here. It was probably because he was hurrying to have everything in perfect order for the perfect boys. Because no sooner had he grabbed the box from me, the seven boys walked out of the dressing room, confidence radiating off them.

This time u actually rolled my eyes.

One by one, Sejin handed them theur cms as they passed, and when they noticed me, smiles broke out in all their faces.

"Yoona! How come you are here today? I thought you were on suck leave." Namjoon, AKA RM, the leader asked, making all the boys come to a duo in front of me. AS much as I detested them, I must admit I got really nervous around them. It felt like they could see into My soul.

Laughed nervously, pretending to be the sweetest. "I...had to come back. Wouldn't miss this for the world."

This is something Grandma would say right? After all, it was BTS Dynamite performance at the Jimmy Fallon Show.

Namjoon chuckled while one of them, Jimin, ruffled my hairs up like as if I was a kid. Technically I was. I was the age of their grandchild. But they didn't know that did they? Who they know, is Kim Yoona. My grandmother.

Their friend.

As the boys walked away from me and towards the stage, the smile dropped from my face, replaced with a blank canvas as I watched them go. This show would bring just another million dollar check to them, all because they decided to look pretty and dance and sing for the crowd they are conning.

I stood there and watched the blinding lights swallow the boys in, at the same time the memories of my days in here flashed before my eyes.

It's been a whole month since came here, what for? I still don't know. I'm leaving as Kim Yoona, my grandmother by leav8ng my real life somewhere in the future and I don't even know if I will ever get back. All I know is that I am here, and a part of me feels like I'm here for a reason. A very important reason.

And my gut tells me it is to see BTS con the world with my own eyes. To take back evidence for my grandmother and show her that she had been wrong after all. That she was blinded all along.

That's right. This is why I was sent. And that's why I have been keeping a journal of all my days in here, every thing that has happened. I need solid proof of them conning the world and only then can I go back.


I sighed in frustration before fixing my hairs back again which Jimin ruined, walking back inside the closet to finish arranging their costumes.

The performance and the show came to an end hours later, but that didn't mean the boys were done yet. With me being their manager, I had to tag along with them everywhere, and that also included instances when they were wasting precious time.

"I think we are done here. Come along, it's time to go." I said them with the best smile I could offer, but not even one budged. They were extremely busy doing something which I later found out was called, fan service.

"Wait. Just a little longer." Was Hoseok's reply, making me hold back my urge to roll my eyes. What was their deal?

Just then, a few kids came running towards the seven boys, smiling and laughing and hugging at the same time. The kids were thrilled to be in their presence, some even going as far as to not letting fo of some of the members, clinging on to them like glue.

Meanwhile the boys only laughed, grabbing some of them in their arms as they giggled. And all I did was stare at them, perplexed.

Well, who's gonna tell them the cameras are off?

I suggest in frustration, running my fingers through my hairs before I thought about what grandma would do if she was in my shoes.

Right. The cameras.

Turning towards the crew in charge of filming, I gestured them towards their cameras. "Turn them on."

"Why?" One of them asked, his eyebrows knitted in confusion which only made me more confused and irritated.

Is he really asking me that? Shouldn't he already know his job?

Sucking in a deep breath, I turned to the man again. "They are with the kids."


Is he for real?

One glare from me and he had his mouth shut tight before moving towards his equipment and preparing the camera.

But not long had the cameras been turned on and the scene getting recorded, the smiles in the seven boys faces dropped, replaced with one of confusion.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Taehyung was the first to break the ice, staring at the crew as the contemplated over how to tell them they were instructed by me to turn the cameras on.

"Well, that-"

"Turn it off." Came Namjoon'sc dead beat voice, which left no room for any argument. Not even for me. "Now."

Slowly but surely, the cameras turned off, the lights dimmed, and the smiles returned on their faces. The kids continued to laugh and smile, telling them things in English which I doubt some of them understood, while all they did was laugh along with them.

It was...sweet.

What? What am I thinking? No. This is all fake. Fake! A few smiles from the kids doesn't change the fact that they conned the whole world. No. They are evil

Then why did they turn the cameras off?

It could have served as a great footage to preserve their image as angelic idols. A lot of media favour would be on them. Why then, did they do that?

Was there some good in them after all?

Is there more than what meets the eye?


And here you have your update, after a century. Sorry for the delay and especially short chapter. I already explained my situation, so I hope you guys can bear with me. It gets better in time.

Luv you💜💜💜💜💜💜♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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