Chapter 1

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Three figures were running over a large grass plain, in the distance you could only see dark dots moving along the countryside. Though upon closer inspection there were four people, one was just clinging to the back of another.

Those four were Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Y/n, of course. Though the pirates wounds have gotten a little better and she had walked for some periods of time she still couldnt keep up the pace so she was on the elves back once again. Fortunately, elven steps were light so even though he was running his feet always hit the ground softly even with the pirate on his back, that way the quake of hitting the ground didn't hurt her.

She was worried that he would be getting tired soon but so far, he had shown no signs of weakness. Aragorn was leading the group while Gimli was falling back. Y/n felt bad for the dwarf for she knew if she hadn't been injured and had to run by herself, she'd be right next to him gasping for breath and complaining about the journey. Well maybe she wouldnt be complaining, they were trying to safe Merry and Pippin after all. After she had lost them.

Aragorn suddenly stopped and laid down on the ground pressing his ear into the dirt. His brows were furrowed as he concentrated. The pirate watched him curiously.

"Their pace has quickened." he mumbled softly and rose to his feet again.

"They must have caught our scent. Hurry!" he yelled and started running north again.

Legolas followed after him running up the hill but stopped at the top only long enough to call out to Gimli who was struggling to get up the mountain himself.

"Come on, Gimli!"

Gimli puffed angrily and sent the elf a glare, jealous of his ease even with the weight of another person on him.

"Three days and nights pursuit. No food. No rest. And no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell." he complained but bravely continued on.

They kept running and y/n wondered if she should ask if she could be let down once more. She knew she wouldn't be as fast as them but she worried for her elven friend, for she did not know his limits.

Soon Aragorn bent down to pick something off of the ground.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall." said he and y/n looked down at his hand where he was holding one of the broaches the hobbits had worn on their cape. Relief washed over her body.

"They may yet be alive." said Legolas. Aragorn inspected the ground a little longer before handing it to y/n. She looked at small piece of jewelry for a second before clutching it tightly in her fist. Fierce eyes met Aragorn as he nodded at the woman before taking off again.

"Less than a day ahead of us. Come." he yelled back encouragingly at his friends.

Gimli was stumbling behind them and fell to the ground but quickly got up again. Pretending that nothing had happened.

"Come, Gimli! We are gaining on them!" called Legolas.

Normally y/n would have added a quip herself but since she was being carried, she felt in no place to tease. The embarrassment still sat too close.

"I am wasted on cross-country." panted Gimli. "We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances."

Y/n chuckled.

"Dwarven legs dont seem so different from pirate legs." she mumbled more to herself than anyone else but the elf still heard, of course, and smiled gently.

They then stopped atop a hill looking into the distance. As it now looked like they would run downhill for a while and they had currently stopped y/n used the opportunity to push off the elf's shoulders and slide to the ground where she stood steadily. Legolas asked if she was sure that she could walk but she just waved him off.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now