Chapter 24

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Her heart rate spiked and her muscles spasmed. Without thinking she shoved away the elven prince.


The tension in the room was so thick it was suffocating. An unpleasant taste of salt and sour iron covered y/ns tongue and made it stick to the roof of her mouth.

Legolas had a hand on his chest, the necklace still clutched tightly in his grasp as he looked at her with broken ocean blue eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" his voice sounded weak and vulnerable, like the petals of a poppy flower, so easily marked and injured by a less then gentle finger. Y/n could only shake her head as she tried to avoid meeting his gaze, afraid that she would cave in, wrap him in her arms and apologize.

"Y/n?" he took a tentative step closer. "Talk to me please." He begged his tone much like one would take to a frightened and cornered animal, which wasn't much different from what she was feeling like at the moment.

Again, she shook her head.

"Y/n, I love you. Whatever it is that is haunting your mind right now, I can help you."

"NO, you can't!" she snapped. "Youre not gonna help me, I'm just gonna drag you down with me! I'm a sinking ship, Legolas. Dont you get that? I'm irredeemable!"

"No, no. Please don't push me away. We ca-" he insisted taking another step closer now having almost closed the gap between them again.

"Legolas, I can't do this." she interrupted him, her voice so cold it surprised herself.

"Can't do what?" the elf visibly tensed and his eyes widened.

"This! All of this! I am not made for... these types of things." the words dripped of her tongue like thick venom.

"These types of things?" he repeated sounding confused and hurt, his voice brittle.

"Yes. All this being the hero, the good guy. Savin the day. People singin' me cheer. Because its not right! Its not right because-" She waved her hands around in a mocking gesture.

"I'm not. I'm not! I'm not supposed to save the day and Im not the hero you should look up to. Its all a lie. A lie you told yourself and I played along, because I thought that maybe, just maybe I could actually become the person that you all seem to think I am. But I'm not and I cant. I'm a criminal, I don't belong here! I feel it every day." she took a fast step closer expecting him to flinch back but he stood his ground looking directly into her eyes. Their chests now almost touching, they stood so close.

"But what does that have to do with us. With me? I dont want you to change, I never asked you too. All I want is for you to be happy. For us to be happy. Together."

"I-" she started but struggled to find the right words if there even were any. He was right, this had nothing to do with his confession, only with her own morals. Her not wanting to be or become a hero had nothing to do with the issue at hand. But she would never admit that.

"Because I can't do this either. I can't love you. And you don't love me either!" she burst out suddenly.

"Why would you say that?" his voice cracked and salty water collected in his eyes.

"Because it's true! You dont even really know me. I am a PIRATE, Legolas. She took a step back to pace the room.

"You dont know of half the things I've done. Half the things I've said or the people I've hurt."

"Then tell me. Tell me what-"

"I cant! Legolas, this-" she pointed back and forth between their bodies. "This is a fantasy. If you knew not even half of what my past is, you would throw me in the wind. As you should. I'm not a damsel in distress you can save. I'm not your dedicated little follower that will bow to your rules or the royal princes you want."

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now