Chapter 12

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"Have more confidence in yourself." Blue eyes gazed into her e/c ones. "Fine. You will do the fighting and I will do the helping, for now."

A grin spread on the pirates face.


The guards of Rohan were handing out swords, many were bent or rusted but still better than nothing. Though what was more worrying than the weapons itself was who they were given to. There were old men and young boys. Some werent even 14 yet and others were well past their 60s. Y/n watched disapprovingly, when she suddenly heard a loud clang. It had come from Aragorn who had dropped a sword back into a wooden box.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers." he whispered.

"Most have seen too many winters." Grumbled Gimli.

"Or too few." added Legolas while Aragorn nodded miserably.

"Look at them. Theyre frightened. I can see it in their eyes." said Legolas suddenly. Everyone around them turned to the elf, not having seen a different expression than a kind smile or a calm face from him before. Legolas looked away angrily and continued speaking in elvish so only Aragorn could understand.

"Boe a hûn...neled herain...dan caer menig!" (And they should be...Three hundred ...against ten thousand!)

Aragorn met his gaze trying to look as confident as he could be at the moment.

"Si beriathar hýn. Amar nâ ned Edoras." (They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras.)

Legolas responded quickly.

"Aragorn, Men i ndagor. Hýn ú-... ortheri. Natha daged aen!" (Aragorn, we are warriors. They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!)

Suddenly Aragorn snapped back, in the tongue of man this time.

"Then I shall die as one them!"

Y/n raise a brow and looked over to a shocked Legolas, who was obviously upset that Aragorn had not continued speaking in elvish. The people around them shared frightened looks at the fury in the elfs eyes and were discouraged by his words.

For a moment their gaze stayed locked before Aragorn broke away and began to walk off.

Legolas made to follow him but was stopped by Gimli using a hand on his arm.

"Let him go, lad. Let him be." he grumbled.

The three were silent as they watched their friend walk off.

"Why do arguments always happen before the battle. Thats pretty much the worst time." huffed y/n remembering all the times she had a falling out with Jack right before a fight broke loose.

It was then that a guard approached them or y/n specifically.

"My lady, you should head towards the caves. If you would please follow me-" the man grabbed y/n's arm trying to lead her away.

Anger started boiling in her stomach and bubbled over within seconds releasing the ugly Kraken that was hiding beneath the surface.

"What?!" she screamed and ripped free from his hold. The guard looked at her, wide eyed and surprised.

"How dare you?!" she started and the guard stumbled over his words trying to form a sentence.

"B-but you, you're a-"

"A what? A woman?"

Y/n was seething at this point.

"Avast ye damnable, week-kneed cretin. I could beat ye in a fight with me hands tied, eyes closed and legs missing. I've killed monsters, yer'd piss yerself for seein' in a dream. I come from hell and I'd gladly take ye for a visit. So go do something useful or I'll hang ye by the ears 'til ya rot." Y/n had come close to the guards face who had started to quiver in his boost and slowly sink down into himself.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now