Chapter 8

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Y/n froze for a second before responding.

"I have learnt that its quite hard to run from things, here in Midddleearth."

The journey continued early the next day, the sun hadn't fully rose when they dismantled their camp and mounted the horses once more. This time Legolas was not riding with her, instead he scouted upfront. She was riding on a horse and Gimli was walking next to her. She felt odd riding next to a walking man, and the fact that Gimli was a dwarf and now she could barely even see the top of his head made the situation even more awkward. She would have liked to walk with him or at least ride together but Gimli being the Gentledwarf he was would not let a lady walk, no less when she was injured and he himself was "no rider" anyways, as he told her. Y/n was irritated, her bruises had basically disappeared at this point. There were only a few blue spots marking her ribs left.

She was just telling him a story about sea-serpents when they suddenly heard a pained yell coming from the front. Y/n stretched out her neck, even going as far as to kneel on the horses addle instead of sitting on it, trying to see what was happening. At the front she saw two guards fighting with a warg. Just barely could she see Legolas rushing to their aid.

She cursed under her breath.

Aragorn had run to the front to see what had happened and then came sprinting back.

"What is it? What do you see?" asked king Théoden.

"Warg! We are under attack!" came the dreaded response.

The people fell into a panic, mothers grabbed ahold of their children while they're fathers tried to drag them away to safety. The horse y/n was sitting on began to nervously trample its hooves on the same spot and she soothingly comped its mane in an attempt to calm the steed.

"All riders to the head of the column!" ordered Théoden. Y/n looked over to Gimli who was climbing a horse, very unsuccessfully.

"Come on. Get me up here. I'm a rider!" he grumbled as some men helped him up.

"Oh, so now you're a rider." muttered y/n under her breath. When he was finally seated, he looked over to the pirate who had patiently waited.

"Come on!" he yelled and the woman nodded.


She kicked the horses sides and it began going forward, slowly as to not trample the food folk. Gimli was not so lucky as he wasn't able to control his horse and it even began walking backwards.

"Forward. I mean, charge forward." she heard his voice fading as she rode to the front on her own.

They reached the top of the hill and started to see a large group of wargs with orc riders swarming over the grassy mount. Legolas who already stood ready shooting at the enemy's, turned to see the rest of the warriors approaching. He gripped the reigns of Gimlis horse and swung himself around so that he now sat on the horses back without slowing it down even a second.

The riders rose their swords and screamed as they rode into collision with the wargs. Y/N too pulled her black blade and cut at the passing orcs. Their animals might be bloodthirsty monsters but atop a horse the people of Rohan sat higher and thereby had the advantage of swinging down and beheading the enemy before they could be struck themselves.

Y/n saw a warg charging directly at her and she prepared herself by shakily standing up on her horse. When the time was right, she jumped off and onto the oncoming warg stabbing through its thick skull with ease. Its heavy snout buried into the ground, much like a pelican did when landing. She pulled out her weapon and beheaded the orc that sat atop it, the head was sent flying and hit another orc's face making it stumble and fall.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now