Chapter 16

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The only thought that crossed her mind was that death hopefully didnt hurt.

She felt the breath be knocked out of her body as she was suddenly hung up by the back of her clothes.

"I've got you!"


Relief washed over her like a cold wave on a hot day, tears sprung to her eyes and hopeful air invaded her lungs. Aragorn pulled her atop the bridge with ease.

"I've got you." he repeated, more to himself this time. Y/n looked around and saw Gimli on the bridge as well, holding of the orcs and buying them time to regain their composure.

"Thank you." she brought out her voice cracking. Aragorn nodded curtly and let a rough hand fall onto her shoulder before turning and fighting the Uruk-Hai once more. And after another second of shock y/n too regained control of her limps and joined the two in their fight.

"Ya had me worried there, lass!" called Gimli over the sound of battle.

"Aye! Had me worried too!"

Metal clanging was all she heard as she concentrated on fighting and staying alive. Her lungs burned and she started to taste iron, she could only hope that it wasnt blood.

Suddenly a voice called from above, it was Théoden.

"Gimli! Aragorn! Get out of there!"

"Ey! I'm here too!" yelled y/n in response.

"Rude." she muttered under her breath as she watched a rope be dropped down from atop the wall. Looking up she saw Legolas at the other end of it.

Immediately Gimli and Aragorn stormed to the rope, y/n close on their tail. The ranger was the first to reach it so he held onto it before turning to grab Gimli.

"Y/n!" he cried then as the dwarf reached out his arm for her to hold onto. She tightly held onto his short but muscular arm when the rope was already being pulled up and she once again lost the ground beneath her feet. Only this time it was on purpose and far less dangerous.

"Y/n?" repeated a confused and worried voice from above. Legolas had not known that she had been down there and had also not seen her leave. How had he not noticed? What had happened? Why wasnt he paying attention? He should have been more careful!

Y/n was just getting hopeful to be behind the walls once more when a sudden weight attached to her foot. She yelled from surprise and Gimli and Aragorn groaned from the added weight.

She cursed as she felt herself slipping from Gimlis grip.

"Hold on there lass!" he encourages as his fingers tightened into a bone crushing grip. The orc that had taken ahold of her foot was swinging its club trying to hit her or Gimli but with her free leg she kept kicking at his face trying to get him off but he held on.

After a particularly strong kick against its nose the orcs grip loosened but so did the hold of Gimli. She felt as if the dwarf was only holding her fingers at this point.

"Just a bit longer!" encouraged Gimli though she was not sure if he was talking to her or himself. It didnt really matter anyways as she kept slipping further.

She tried to ignore the dread of falling again and instead concentrated on kicking of the very stubborn orc that was slowly but surely crushing her ankles.

"Get. Of. You. Blithering. Idiot!" she insulted, kicking the soldiers face with each word. And after she had bored her boots heal into the orcs face for the umpteenth time he finally let go, falling to his death with a bloodcurdling roar.

She wasnt relived for long as Gimlis grip was also fading, she was unattached for only a moment when another pair of hands grabbed ahold of her. She looked up to see a familiar ocean blue.

"Legolas." she huffed when she felt a heavy weight fall from her.

The elf pulled her up in one swift motion and scooped her into his arms burying his pale face into her shoulder.

"I have you." he whispered. "I have you now."

Reassuringly she pets the elfs shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah you do." she muttered while trying to pull away but felt his arms not budging instead his hands that were previously on her arms moved so that one was resting on her waist and the other on the back of her head.

Trying to create more distance she wedged her hands between their bodies and rested them on his chest. And while she didnt hear it, she could feel his breath going rapidly. She felt his heart pulsing awfully fast, even beneath the thick tunic, on her fingertips.

"Pullback! Pullback!" she heard a voice call and then saw Aragorn out of the corner of her eyes motioning for the soldiers to retreat.

"Legolas!" she hissed trying to get the elf out of whatever trance he was in, though he still wouldnt move.

"Legolas!" she tried again but still nothing.

"Legolas!" this time it was Aragorn who had called and somehow the voice of his friend was enough to have him at least look up but still making no move to let y/n go.

"Pullback!" commanded Aragorn "They have broken through! The castle is breached! Retreat!" Legolas nodded taking Y/n by the hand and leading the way to safety.

They reached the king hall and immediately the men started carrying furniture to the door to barricade it. Legolas went to help but not before pulling y/n close once more and placing a brief kiss on her forehead.

As soon as the elf was gone y/n used this opportunity to sheath her blade. The familiar but burning pain surged through her and she clung to nearby column for support. Her head was spinning a little and she started blinking rapidly to get the blur of off her eyes that had settled there. She took a few more moments to take deep breaths before straightening her posture and sauntering over to Aragorn and the king. Her walk only slightly wavering.

"The fortress is taken. It is over." said Théoden, his voice devout of all hope.


Almost wasn't able to upload today but luckily I am awesome so here is the new chapter! :)

~ edited

(sorry i edited so early, there was a weird bug. I updated this on my computer but on my phone it uploaded the old version so I'm just making sure you got the final cut and not a draft)

~1091 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now