Chapter 23

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To find what I've been longing foooor!"

Y/n was standing near a wall while swaying happily. She had thoroughly enjoyed this night, maybe even more than all her previous feasts and Parties. Maybe because she had actually earned it this time. Sobriety was getting to her head.

By now everything had cooled down, many had already retired to their rooms or went home, only the stubborn and the ones too drunk to move stayed behind. And just a few people who had remained sober or had sobered up already were trying to clean everything up.

Currently y/n was watching as Aragorn was heaving a still passed out Gimli onto his shoulders to carry him off to a better place to rest. She was holding back giggles at the mans struggling face and finally burst with laughter when Aragorn had to endure the dwarf burping directly into his ear.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" came a sudden pleasant voice from beside her. She turned her head to look to the blond elven prince.

"Well, yeah. How bout you?" she asked tilting her head and moving her shoulder so she was leaning closer to Legolas.

"Very much so." he answered, also leaning close. For a while they then fell into a comfortable silence. But the quiet didnt last long when Legolas posed a sudden question.

"Can we talk?"

"Arent we right now?"

"I meant in private." he elaborated. Y/n sighed; she didnt like where this was going. It sounded more serious than what she was comfortable with. But none the less she nodded and followed the man as he led her away to an empty bedroom. As Legolas closed the door, she leaned on one of the bed posts that reached the sealing.

"What do ya need to talk about?" she asked not able to entirely remove the annoyance from her voice.

Legolas didnt immediately answer, instead he just looked at her with a gaze y/n couldnt quite decipher.

"Do you still want to know what meleth nín means?" he suddenly asked. Y/n chuckled as relief washed over her. So, it wasnt anything serious.

"Ah, thats what this is about? Yeah, yeah go ahead. Im curious."

Legolas swallowed as his eyes darted around the room but with long and quick strides, he closed the distance between them. He gazed longingly into her eyes. He loved her eyes so much; she didnt look into his eyes anywhere near enough.

"Meleth nín means it means my love."

Y/ns body froze up and a shiver went down her spine. Her eyes stared dead ahead not daring to move away from his ocean gaze. His brows were slightly furrowed as he stared at her.

"L-love?" she rasped out, her voice breaking.

He rested his gentle on her cheek as his thumb grazed over her soft skin there leaving goosebumps in his trail.

"Yes." he whispered, his voice faint.

Y/n felt her stomach drop and fall through the ground descending into the depth of the earth, desperately she tried to swallow the lump building in her throat.

"I have wanted to tell you for a long time now." he whispered as his face came dangerously close. "But I feared that you were not ready. And maybe youre still not ready, but I cannot wait any longer."

Legolas gently took her shaking hands into his, raising them to chest height while gently stroking her skin with his thumb.

His blue eyes searching hers wanting her to look deeply into his.

There were so many things that he yearned to say to her. Elven songs about eternal love and appreciation that he wished to sing. Poems that he wanted to recite just to show her, explain to her a section of what he felt for her. But he had to keep it short as they did not have enough time.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now