Chapter 18

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"Forth Eorlingas!" he screamed and the horsemen stormed outside and into battle.

They rode out and onto the bridge slaying every orc near them. Heads were falling to the ground and the orcs were dropping rapidly. The horn sounded behind them, spurring them on further.

The orcs kept coming and the army didnt look much smaller than when they had started, but they kept fighting, not once deterred by the number of enemies.

At the top of the hill nearby a white horse and rider appeared. Y/n noticed them immediately for their arrival was like a shift in the air, bringing relief and hope.

She looked over to Aragorn, he too had frozen atop his horse, eyes fixated on the rider.

"Gandalf." he whispered out in astonishment. Y/n eyes immediately snapped back to the white clad male.

"Gandalf?" she repeated before she felt pure and unbridled joy wash over her body.

"Gandalf!" she screamed throwing her arms in the air, cheering loudly.

Even the orcs around her stopped fighting for a while to turn and look at the new arrival and for the first time that day, and maybe in their entire lives, the orcs felt fear.

More riders atop horses appeared behind the white wizard.

"Éomer." she herd the kings voice behind her before the horsemen charged down the steep mountain.

Most orcs turned, making a line to meet the riders of Rohan head on while the others remained behind only to be met by swords of the king and his men that were held and led with more vigor now.

They had reached their second wind, their previous exhaustion, weary bones and other ailments long forgotten as all they were looking for was more blood on their stealen blades.

When the riders of Rohan had almost reached the orcs the sun behind the mountain suddenly burned brighter, blinding the orcs having them opening their sides and becoming more vulnerable.

The Uruk-Hai were diminishing rapidly as swords, arrows and axes were ending their lives swiftly.

It wasnt long before cries of joy instead of death rang across the battlefield.

"Victory! We have victory!"

Relief washed over Y/ns sore and aching body as she watched the left over Uruk-Hais running away.

Y/n followed the king, Aragorn and Éomer as they chased the orcs on their horses into the plains. There was a forest, deep and dark. Y/n wasnt too sure that it had been there when they had arrived at Helms Deep. The orcs ran straight into it, trying to escape from the king and his men.

"Stay out of the forest! Keep away from the trees!" called Éomer and stretched out a hand, there was fear in his voice as he wearily eyed the trees the Uruks had disappeared into.

They all stopped their horses and watched the forest. Y/n furrowed her brows not sure what they were waiting for. Suddenly the trees started moving, first just some shaking in the twigs and branches but soon the entire stems seemed to change position and posture. Screams were heard from the trees as unknown things were happening to the orcs, none of them seeming pleasant.

A shiver went down the pirates spine.

Maybe its best that Legolas is on good terms with the trees. She thought and made a mental note not to make fun of him anymore when he spoke of the feelings of the trees and their language that only elves seemed to understand.

When they returned, they began their search for survivors and injured people, any orcs left were quickly killed while humans and elves were brought inside to have their wounds treated.

Y/n had opted to sheath her blade and instead use arrows to relief the orcs of their final breaths. When she had put away her weapon she was forced to sit down for a while, her head was spinning and her limps felt weak. She had closed her eyes in hopes the blurriness would leave her eyes and she would be able to continue on with the clearing of the battle field.

While she was sitting and resting, she felt someone approach behind her. Their footsteps were light and followed by a horse. A smile found its way onto her lips.

"Was wondering when youd come to find me." she muttered.

"You were expecting me?" asked an unfamiliar voice and she snapped her head around.

"Éomer?" she asked and the man chuckled.

"So, you weren't expecting me after all." he drifted off.

"The battle must have made my ears go off." she excused, cementing her point further by rubbing her left ear with her now ungloved hand.

"You are the woman. The one from the Woodland Realm are you not?" he asked, remembering their previous meeting.

"And youre the one that gave us the horses, thanks for that by the way." she muttered and looked away from the man to stare ahead again. He remained standing slightly behind her, his horse at his side.

"And possibly killed your friends." he added in a shameful tone.

Again, her head snapped around and she mustered the man closely. He had removed his helmet; it was now attached to his horses saddle. His long blond hair was slightly tussled and sticking to the skin of his face. But his posture was straight and proud, he obviously was not injured.

"Theyre fine. Worry not." she assured before looking away once more. "They managed to escape."

With that she stood up, her legs were weak and a bit shaky but she managed to turn and look at him. With her hand that wasnt holding her gloves she reached out and touched his shoulder.

"You fought well, had you and your men not come things could have ended very differently today."

When she moved to remove her hand, his own shot forward placing itself atop hers and keeping it in place on his muscled shoulder. The pirate quirked a brow at the man.

"Your words are too kind." He said while stubbornly holding her gaze not intimidated by her in the slightest.

"Well, be honored. I'm not known for my kindness." she said while subtlety trying to remove her hand but he had a firm grip on her.

"No. You must be known for your fighting instead. I've seen you on the field. I was thoroughly impressed." his eyes held nothing but honesty and admiration as he looked at her. Y/n chuckled nervously. Normally she be delighted about such compliments and would proceed with boasting about other things she achieved, or in the very least return his obvious advances but somehow, she felt something heavy settle in her stomach. It felt like the times she had went behind a friends back, like when she and Jack had tricked Will for the umpteenth time. She felt guilt, for being in this situation. With another man.

She cleared her throat awkwardly and looked away trying to gain composure before taking a deep breath.

"Im sorry." she said. "If youll excuse me, I need to find my friends."


Yayyy. They won!

Who'd'ave thunk?

Also sorry for the late update...

~1189 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now