Chapter 22

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"Y'Know tecnically" her voice trailed off, "I've been sitting from the beginning." she lulled.

Y/n was happily watching Merry and Pippin jumping around on a large table while clapping along. Other people were also gladly entertained by the two short men.

Theyre voices rang clear and despite the gruffness and wavering in their voices from the movement, it was pleasant to listen to.

"Oh, you can search far and wide,

You can drink the whole town dry," they were dancing together and kicking each others feet in a possibly traditional hobbit dance.

"But youll never find a beer so brown,

But youll never find a beer so brown,

As the one we drink in our hometown,

As the one we drink in our hometown."

They stamped roughly on the table making classes and plates clatter with their steps.

"You can drink your fancy ales,

You can drink them by the flagon

But the only brew for the brave and true,"

Pippin abruptly stopped while his gaze drifted off but he was quickly brought back by a loud call of his name. Immediately he turned and continued with the song.

"Comes from the Green Dragon!"

Laughter and applause erupted for the two young hobbits and y/n also walked closer, taking a seat at one of the surrounding benches.

"Thank you! I win!" cheered Merry before him and Pippin joined y/n where she was sitting. Merry sat next to her while Pippin sat on the table with his feet on the bench on her other side.

"Say, will you ever visit the shire with us?" asked Pippin suddenly. That also made Merry perk up.

"Yes! You must visit us at the shire! You'd love it there we have beer, good food and Pipe weed!"

"Yes, yes! And us of course!"

Y/n chuckled.

"While that sound upmost tempting, Im afraid I can give no promises." The two hobbits gave her disappointed and pleading looks that tore at the womans heartstrings. Luckily, they were distracted by a call from one of the guards.

"Ey, strange woman!" he called. "People say youre a Pirate, what is that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at the familiar question and blatant insult but responded non the less.

"Means Im a sailor, just better!" she answered simply.

"So, you catch fish?" he asked further.

"What no! Sailor not fisherman, mate. And Im a captain as well, so show a bit more respect, will ya?" she called back.

The guard laughed but luckily his tone held no form of mocking, just amusement.

"Well then whats a pirate captain do?" he asked further, now y/n started to grin.

"Oh, I have just the thing to entertain ya sacks of landlubber!" she said and stood up, easily jumping up on the table. Dew to the previous drinking game she had a slight sway in her step but that just added to the womans confidence.

The people around her perked up, exited for more entertainment. Legolas who had not strayed far also came closer, not that he needed to do that to better see or hear better, he just felt like coming closer.

With her heavy boots she stamped on the wooden table making the cups and plates on it clatter as she created her beat. Quickly the people nearby with instruments picked up the beat and joined in, just waiting for her to give a melody which she quickly did.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now