Chapter 5

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"Where is Théodred? Where is my son?"

The hunters were sent to rooms they could stay in for the time being while king Théoden had to come to terms with the passing of his son and plan his funeral.

When y/n entered the small chamber, she realized that for the first time since she came to Middleearth she was alone for longer than just changing clothes or going to sleep. A deep sigh left her lips as she trudged over to the bed and let her body fall on it. Sadly, that wasnt the good idea she thought it would be as her sword, which was returned to her unscathed, poked into her still injured ribs. She gasped out in pain and sat up again, a frown now on her face.

Curious since she had not yet seen her wounds, as there had not been the time for that, she took of her clothing and stood before a small mirror mounted to the wall. There was a large bruise that started under her chest over her ribs and lead all the way to her back. She turned so she could try to see it but it was too large and she could not twist her head enough to see all of it. All she knew was that her skin was blue and green, black at some points. Other than that, there werent any scratches on her skin, most likely due to Aragorns healing and not her own recovery.

Another sigh left her lips as she let her fingers glide over the lumpy skin. She was lucky she was alive, when she fell unconscious, anyone could have easily stabbed her. Her gaze went lower to her pistol. Why did it have to jam in that moment? Was it just a cruel coincidence or had it something to do with this realm? She had never really liked guns in the first place but the thought of it being broken still upset her. She took the weapon from its holster. It was heavy in her hand and felt so familiar, yet strange. With experienced fingers she took the gun apart to see if all was in order. At first, she saw nothing but then she noticed a small rock lodged in-between the small space near the trigger. With her nails she wedged it out and stared at the pebble with hatred in her eyes. This tiny thing was the reason Boromir was dead. This stone had killed her friend. She clutched it tightly in her fist and returned the gun to its place at her belt.

Then she turned her gaze back to the mirror to distract herself.

She looked tired and pale but her hair laid surprisingly neat. She touched a piece of sea glass that was still braided into her hair and twisted it around her finger. What was she to do? What could she do? For days her mind had been running with the same thought and questions over and over again.

Did Legolas truly feel for her? Love her? What should she do about it, if anything?

The words of lady Galadriel plagued her as well. She felt bothered by all these worries. Usually, she would get drunk until the issue was no longer there instead of dealing with it but now that wasnt an option anymore so she did not know what to do. And then there was the added shame of having been injured and unable to travel without getting carried. She felt wounded in her pride. The reasonable part of her knew that no one here meant to insult by helping but that did not change that she had to accept her own weakness to fully accept them.

But she wasnt weak! She had been through too much to be. the world was cruel to a woman. Never had she been taken seriously before she proved to others that she wasnt weak. Before anyone ever joined her crew, she had to beat them in a fight so they would not mutiny against her before they even left port. And before she could travel with anyone she had to deal with superstitious and condescending sailors asking her what she could possibly want at sea. If she did show fault like she sadly had in the past it always turned her life worse. She had shown empathy and was branded a criminal, she trusted her crew and was mutinied upon. She helped a beggar and was robbed; she spared a child and was arrested. She wanted to protect who couldnt do so themself and her friend died. The scars that littered her skin each telling a tale on how she failed.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now