Chapter 21

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"Ay, c'mon mate!" exclaimed y/n suddenly. "Get back on the horse so we can go back!"

As soon as they were back preparations for a victory feast began, much to the pirates and the dwarfs delight. Legolas took more joy in watching his friends and his love be happy than the thought of the party itself.

Y/n was happily chatting with Gimli when she was suddenly approached by Éowyn.

"Y/n?" she asked in a shy tone, making the pirate give her a comforting smile once she had turned her face enough to meet her blue eyes.

"There somethin' ya need, lass?" responded she.

"In preparations for the party, I was wondering if you would like a change of clothes." her voice trailed off.

Y/n chuckled nervously.

"There be no need for that. I'm fine like I am." assured the woman waving her hands.

"But surely youd want to dress up for a special occasion like this?" insisted he blonde. "Who knows Maybe you could impress someone." she said in a suggestive tone of voice while her eyes, very obviously travelled over to the nearby elven prince.

At this point Gimli busted out laughing, having tried to hold back before.

"I can see his face now." he chuckled. "You have to, you simply have to!"

"Id like his face better when you came in wearing a dress." countered she, half joking half mad. But before she could continue or Gimli could respond a soft hand gripped her rougher one as Éowyn started pulling her away.

"Come now, come. I have the perfect thing for you."

Y/n huffed but followed her none the less. She was led to a room that looked much like any other room in the caste other that the furniture made out of light wood and carved with delicate flowers. Y/n presumed that it was Éowyns room.

The blonde walked over to a closet and began taking out several flowy dresses. Y/n immediately shook her head.

"Sorry, doll but there is no way I'm wearing that!" she refused.

"Oh please. Its just for one night." insisted Éowyn but the pirate stubbornly shook her head. The two women went back and forth for a while until y/n was finally convinced to put on a long red dress with a corseted front and straps for sleeves. Underneath she wore a white blouse, though left it mainly unbuttoned to reveal a bit of cleavage. She attached her belt and sword above the dress and hiked up one corner of the red fabric, tying it to the belt to expose the white petticoat she had to wear underneath.

Èowyn wasnt too happy about her improper way of wearing clothes but bit her tongue as she knew that actually managing to make her put on a dress had been a strike of luck in the first place.

The two of them then headed back to the others and saw that the feast was just about to begin.

Food was covering all the tables in the hall and most people were already holding big cups of ale and mead while ogling the meat roasting over open fires.

When Legolas spotted y/n his eyes almost burst out of his skull and his face flushed into a bright red colour. Gimli who had been previously talking to the prince took notice of his friend frozen state and followed his gaze just to burst out laughing.

"Youll stare a hole through her skull if you keep looking like that." he chuckled and landed a rough hand on his back in a friendly push before continuing.

"Or were you not looking at her face?"

The elfs head snapped to the dwarf as his slips fumbled to bring out words but he was too flustered to speak.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now