Chapter 4

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"I mean to confess your feelings to her!"

His breathing stopped as all thoughts evacuated his head. His ears and cheeks turned a dark shade of red. He felt as if the ground beneath him and let him fall into a deep hole of pure embarrassment and panic. He felt anxiety clashing against his walls like waves against cliffs. His eyes snapped over to y/n, afraid that she might have heard the dwarfs words. Though when he saw that she was not looking in his direction, instead staring at the trees on the opposite side he calmed a little.

"W-what? How?" was all he could bring out after a few seconds of excruciating silence. The dwarf erupted immediately into loud laughter sending more waves of panic into the elfs mind.

"Hush!" he whispered quickly only slightly silencing Gimli. Though much to the elf's relief he did calm down and his laughter turned into small chuckles.

"How do I know?" he chortled still. "How could I not? Everyone does, even the hobbits had figured that out."

Legolas swallowed hard. Had he really been that obvious? But if he had, shouldnt she have noticed something as well?

"I fear a confession would be too soon." Whispered Legolas after a while, when finally the storm in his body had calmed again.

The dwarf only grumbled in response.

"The dwarven way of courting is much different than elven or human rituals. In fact, I don't even know of your elven ways and I doubt that humans even have a clear set of rules. That's why it might be best to just tell her."

Legolas hesitated before answering.

"When a moment occurs, I will but I shall not force it. I worry she is not prepared for such a commitment. I must be content with friendship for now. All I can do is hope."

The dwarf puffed still convinced that talking about it would solve everything but stayed silent. The elves eyes drifted over to the woman who was now aggravatedly chewing on her lips. If he only knew the issue, he could help ease her torment. He could feel what she craved, she wished just for happiness and love though she refused her own heart and he did not know why or how to make her stop. He would just have to be patient, he feared.

They set up camp for the night, much to Gimlis and Y/n's relief. Usually when they would start up the fire and cook up some food, they would sing songs and share stories, with y/n being at the forefront of it all, though since Boromirs death she had been awfully quiet. No one wanted to call her out on it of course but it certainly was a loss of entertainment and cheer.

The next morning, they started seeing the city of Rohan in the distance and Gandalf used that moment to educate the rest of the hunters and give them a warning.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown. Sarumans hold over King Théoden is now very strong. Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here."

"That be nothing new." muttered y/n to herself but no one heard except for Legolas because of his enhanced hearing. His brows furrowed and he gave her a concerned look.

Soon the four hunters and the white wizard who had a grey cloak wrapped around his shoulders to conceal his pale robes, entered through the large stone gates into the city. A flag glid on the wind and fell to the ground before the hooves of their horse. Aragorn looked at it as if it was a bad omen.

The towns people eyed the group suspiciously. Not often had they seen a dwarf and a wizard and never before an elf. Y/n also got odd looks though she did not fully know why as her clothes were now of this realm. Maybe they mistook her for an elf as she was wearing the elven cloak and tunic along with the braids in her hair. The people watched them like hawks, like they were expecting them to bring doom into their city.

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