Chapter 19

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"I'm sorry." she said. "If you'll excuse me, I need to find my friends."

After walking around aimlessly for a while she finally found Gimli sitting on top of a dead orc.

"You seem to have found the beast seat around, mate." she called getting his attention while she uncomfortably leaned on a nearby stone wall, the cold rock digging into her sore shoulder.

"Well, I've fought well for this one, haven't I?" he responded proudly, while puffing out his chest. The pirate chuckled and looked endearingly over to the dwarf.

"You've fought well too, lass. Quite the surprise you gave us on that bridge." he continued. "You're not injured, are you?" he inquired further.

"'M fine, I promise." she chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Worry 'bout that orc ya sitting on! I swear I saw that thing twitch!"

Gimli fell into a grumbling laughter, his hands still shaking as he started to stuff and light his pipe. They fell into comfortable silence as y/n let her eyes roam over the men walking around the battlefield until she spotted a familiar set of blond hair.

As soon as Legolas set his eyes on the woman, he quickened his step and rushed over to her.

When he reached her, he immediately enclosed her into his muscular arms and whispered quick elvish words into her ear. He had started doing that more often, normally he would just say elvish phrases to himself or sing elvish songs but he had started talking elvish to her quite frequently now and she wasnt really sure why.

It was, of course because he had grown so comfortable with her that he sometimes he forgot that she wasn't an elf and could not speak his language.

She returned his hug before reminding him that she could not, in fact, understand elvish. Legolas chuckled moving his head back a bit and using both his hands to cup her cheeks and hold her face close to his..

"I am just relieved that you are well and that the battle is over." he moved forward so that their foreheads were touching.

"Yeah, yeah." she waved him off and created some distance between their heads. "Speaking of the battle, whats your final score?"

A proud and cocky smirk found its way onto the elfs lips.

"Final count 42." he said while taking a step back, letting go of y/n and looking over to Gimli.

"Forty-two? Thats not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting pretty on 43." spoke the dwarf in a mocking tone. Immediately the princes face fell as he gaped in shock.

In a movement so quick y/n almost didnt notice it, the elf pulled his bow and shot an arrow at the orc who Gimli was sitting on, right between his legs.

"Forty-three." he then said proudly while leaning on his bow.

Angry the dwarf took away his pipe from his mouth just to have his lips fumble in outrage to form a sentence.

"He was already dead." he bellowed.

Y/n had to chuckle.

"I told ya, it was still twitching mate!"

And even though the corner of Gimlis lips moved upward for one second, he continued in an angry tone of voice.

"He was twitching because hes got my axe buried in his nervous system." he yelled while pulling on his axe making the orcs arm and legs move around sporadically.

Legolas shrugged while y/n rose a brow.

"How do you know what a nervous system is?" she questioned.

"How to you know, lass." retaliated he, making the pirate shrug her shoulders.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now