Chapter 10

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Yes, lets go back

Y/n was walking with Legolas as they helped the people of Rohan collect their things. There were some families still trying to recollect as they had been split up during the journey. There were also people that had not yet received their rations and were very hungry now. The pirate and the prince were trying to bring some order into the place. Something that was new to y/n as she was usually the one to cause the chaos.

At some point a small child had walked up to her and started pulling on her coats sleeve. She had dirty hair that at some point had to have been blonde but was a pale dusty brown now. Confused y/n halted her step and looked into the child's blue eyes. Middle earth was full of blue-eyed people she had noticed.

"Somethin' ya need, poppet?" she asked her voice a little gruff from not speaking a lot all morning.

The little girl started stuttering until finally bringing a full sentence out.

"I can't find my Mommy." was what she muttered.

"Well than you should look for her." said y/n not knowing why the girl chose to speak to her of all people and not really caring about the situation. But the little girl clung to the leather coat and tried to pull her back.

"But I cant find her!" cried the girl. "You have to help me!"

Y/n grit her teeth and looked down at the girl.

"How am I s'posed to do that?"

The girl didn't answer instead only put up her arms and gave the pirate and expectant look. Y/n furrowed her brows before hesitantly bending down and carefully picking up the girl. She wasn't good at judging the ages of children but guessed that she was five. The girl was very light and immediately clung to y/n's neck. The pirate huffed realizing that she won't be able to worm her way out of this one.

She looked around hoping that no one was seeing her. Gimli was nowhere to be seen and Legolas was standing a few feet away. A rather big man was piling boxes of stuff in his arms that he was supposed to bring somewhere. Calmed she turned to the girl before flinching back. Her little face was much too close for comfort. With her head reeled back into an awkward looking up position and trying to look anywhere but to the young human in her arms she asked.

"Well, where'd you see her last?"

The girl stayed quiet for a second using all her might to conjure up a thought before confidently pointing to the side.

"There!" she exclaimed loudly making y/n flinch once more. Why must children be so loud?

"Alright. Let's get going then." she grumbled and headed off in that direction. Y/n then had to spend the next half hour walking around with a child she didn't know in her arms while looking for her mother. The little girl had taken it upon herself to play with the sea glass and shells in the pirates hair and ask a thousand questions.

"What is that?"

"Is it an animal?"

"Is it dead?"

"Why is it in your hair?"

"Do you like it?"

And so on. When a sudden voice called from behind her, y/n was startled so much she almost dropped the girl.


Y/n turned around and saw a woman running towards her, her matted blonde hair flying in the wind.

"Mommy!" called the girl in her arms and y/n sighed in relief. Finally. She thought. The woman took the girl out of her hand before hugging y/n tightly.

"Thank you so much! I was so worried. Please, what can I do to repay you." Y/n felt herself getting increasingly nervous and waved the woman off with shaky hand.

"It's nothing. It's fine. I'll just leave."

"Are you sure I'd like to-"

Y/n interrupted the woman with a quick "Yes!" before turning around and disappearing in the crowd. She took a deep breath before quickly walking back to where she had left Legolas. The elf was already looking for her with a bright smile. Before she could comment on it though he had already spoken.

"You're quite well with children, are you not?" Immediately y/n started pouting.

"Dont mock me. The little brat probably has bad eyes, choosing me of all people." Legolas chuckled and opened his mouth to respond when they heard a commotion in the crowd.

"Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I'm gonna kill him!" called Gimlis gruff voice. "You are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man I ever knew!"

Y/n eyes widened and she looked over at the blond elf.

"Is he?" began the pirate.

"I think he his."

The two stopped what they were doing and made their way over to the source of the commotion. There through the mass of people came a dark disheveled man. He was walking hunched and slow but he unmistakably was Aragorn. A relieved breath left her lungs as she quickened her steps. Legolas was of course first to block the path of Aragorn. When their eyes met you could basically feel the happiness radiating of off them. A bemused look settled on the elf's features.

"Le ab-dollen." (Youre late.) said he in elvish before his smile fell and he gave his friend a once over with testing eyes.

"You look terrible." after a short pause of surprise Aragorn chuckled and laid a hand on the elfs shoulder.

"Cant help but agree." joined in the pirate, flashing the ranger a wide grin before turning her head to Legolas. But she quickly tore her gaze away when the Ranger pulled her into a sudden side hug. Y/n stiffened surprised by the affection before tentively patting his back. Then she looked back to the elf who was mustering his friend skeptically.

"Told ya you can survive a dive like that." said y/n to him and now it was the turn of Legolas to smile.

"That you did."

Quickly his blue eyes then moved back to Aragorn as his hand moved to his pocket and he took out Aragorns silver necklace to give it back to him. Their eyes met after he somberly gazed at the jewelry.

"Hannon le." (Thank you.) he finally whispered.

Not even y/n could suppress an honest smile, that be an upturn of the corners of her lips not to mock, pester or annoy but simply because she was content. Though quickly that smile faded when she saw Éowyn with a heartbroken expression that tucked at even her out of tune heartstrings.

Luckily, she didn't have to look at her for long as Aragorn suddenly spoke up.

"I need to speak with the king. An army of orcs is approaching."

"Just where do they keep coming from? There is like an infinite supply of em isnt there?" complained y/n.

The two males ignored her and Legolas just said: "Then make haste, mellon." before sending him off. With that the Ranger walked away.

Y/n's eyes followed the gruffy man as he continued forward to the castle.

"The luck on that one. If he weren't so kind, he'd make a great pirate." muttered the woman making the elf chuckle.

"But you are kind as well." objected Legolas.

"Only because you are. I adapt."

A sudden touch on her back made the woman jump and snap around only to see Gimli had approached then and poked her to get her attention.

"Gimli!" she exclaimed. "When did you learn to sneak?"

"When you stopped paying attention, lass. Maybe yer getting too comfortable?"

Y/n quirked a threatening brow.

"Right now, its you that too comfortable master Gimli."


A short tangent with the child, couldn't control myself. :)

~1306 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now