Chapter 2

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His eyes turned to the distance were a cloud of dark smoke rose to the sky.


"I am sorry." said the horseman.

Y/n's hand clung to the sleeve of the elf in grief. The blond stranger turned and whistled using his fingers before calling: "Hasufel! Arod!"

Two steeds moved to the middle of the circle and the man gently and lovingly pet their noses. One was white and one a reddish brown.

"May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters. Farewell." he said before putting his helmet back on and returning to his own horse.

"Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands." then he turned to his men. "We ride north!"

With that the riders disappeared leaving the disheartened hunters behind.

They wasted no time and quickly mounted the horses. Gimli sat behind Legolas on Arod and y/n behind Aragorn on Hasufel, since they wanted to balance out the weight to not put too much strain on the horses. Legolas would have liked to ride with y/n but Gimli had become a friend as well so he didn't mind as much.

They rode quickly to the smoldering pile in the distance. When they reached it y/n was the first to dismount the horse, before it had come to a full stop. Her feet crashed heavily onto the ground and sending a wave of pain through her body that she ignored, too fuled by adrenalin to care. She rushed to the still warm and smoking mountain of orcs and circled it prodding at the orc bodies with her sheathed sword. Every time she thought that she saw a tuft of strawberry-blond hair or a piece of the familiar green elven fabric, her heart skipped a beat. Gimli joined her and did the same with his axe. After a while he leaned forward and pulled something out from between the corpses.

"Its one of their wee belts." he spoke mournfully. The head of Legolas dropped as he muttered his condolences in elvish while y/n's hand sank into her hair tearing at it as tears sprung to her eyes.

Aragorn kicked a lone helmet still sitting on the ground and let out an anguished scream as he sunk to his knees, staying on the ground with his head hung low.

"We failed them." whispered the dwarf and y/n turned her head away from the smoldering pile of corpses. She couldnt bare to look at it. The smell made her stomach turn and the heat on her skin made her want to rip it off so it could burn alongside her fallen friends.

Close to her Aragorn was inspecting the ground having found something that made new hope rise in his heart.

"A Hobbit lay here. And the other." he said softly and y/n looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"They crawled." he continued following a faint trail. Y/n turned her head more to him but did not move much too afraid that she might obstruct the trails.

Legolas and Gimli moved behind him to look down at the tracks he was following, with interest.

"Their hands were bound." Aragorn picked up a cut rope inspecting its edge.

"Their bonds were cut." Y/n held her breath praying to the goddess that the hobbits were alive. He kept following the tracks starting to move faster as he further analyzed the situation.

"They ran over here. They were followed." suspense was rising, would they yet be able to find them?

"The tracks lead away from the battle... into Fangorn Forest."

"Fangorn? What madness drove them in there?" said Gimli. As the three mustered the forest suspiciously.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" yelled y/n already moving towards the dark trees.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now