Chapter 17

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"The fortress is taken. It is over." said Théoden, his voice devoute of all hope.

The sound of the Uruks trying to break down the tall doors was echoing ominously in the hall, like the irregular heartbeat of a giant monster. The door wouldnt hold for long.

Aragorn turned to the king; his dark brows furrowed.

"You said this fortress would never fall while your Men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it."

Another deafening crunch rang in their ears. Aragorn looked around the empty feeling hall, his gaze staying on y/n for only a second before moving further.

"Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" he asked but got no response from the king as he was just blankly staring in from of him. Y/n knew that look all too well. That man had completely given up. Bile rose to her throat.

She hated people that would just give up like that. All those times she was pushed towards those gallows with the noose already around her neck and she still had not given up. Even when she was sure she would die she had not given up.

She had accepted her fate as she knew that there was nothing, she could do anymore but she had not given up. As long that there was a battle to fight from or flee from, she would not give up.

That's what being a pirate was all about. Run from your problems and if they follow you? Kill them! But dont give up, for Calypsos sake!

"Is there no other way?" Aragorn asked again and this time a guard answered.

"There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-Hai are too many."

The noises stemming from the door got louder making y/n's head buzz uncomfortably. She started moving towards the king.

"Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance." pleaded Aragorn with the guard.

Théoden looked over at the two men and the approaching woman.

"So much death. What can Men do against such reckless hate?" he asks his tone defeated.

That was enough to finally set off y/m like a spring let loose. With two long strides she was stood before the king, her arm reeled back.

A deafening clap sounded through the hall, this time not stemming from the door but from y/n hand meeting the mans bearded cheek.

From the sheer shock and might of the hit the king stumbled back and fell to the ground.

"My friend used to say that there are only two things that matter: What a man can do and what a man cant! I can go out there and fight but I cant win a war all by me onesies.

Her eyes were blazing with a fire that had not been lit in a while and set fear into the kings heart.

I can kill you now but I cant lead a country. And you. You can get up and fight for your people or you can die trying but you cant give up like this. Because if you do, I will be the one to end yer wretched life, ye cowardly bilge rat!"

The king was cowering on the ground and staring at the woman wide eyed, much like any other person in the room, the noises coming from the door being ignored for the time being.

"So, what will it be? Can you? Or can you not?"

She reached out a gloved hand towards the man on the ground that he hesitantly took, having her pull him to his feet again.

"I dont know if I can win but I can fight." he said, his voice quiet but sure. Y/n nodded curtly tightening her grip on the mans hand into a handshake. And then, out of habit she spoke while gently hitting the side of his arm with her hand in a familiar way.

"Take what ya can." she said before remembering that there will be no one to answer her so she turned to Aragorn who was proudly looking at her.

"And give nothing back." she finished. She released the king and Aragorn stepped closer to the two of them.

"Ride out with me." he said looking at y/n and the turning to Théoden. "Ride out and meet them."

With new hope in his eyes the king returned the Rangers gaze.

"For death and glory." Said Théoden.

"For Rohan. For your people." Answered Aragorn.

"For the end of orcs." Added Y/n.

"The sun is rising." called Gimli suddenly, looking at a small window which had the first sunlight falling through it and into the room. Warming up the atmosphere like their hope had warmed them just seconds before.

"Yes. Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time!" Gimli looked over at them with excitement twinkling in his eyes.

"Yes!" he cheered.

Just then another hard thrust was pushed against the big door sending the men holding hit tumbling to the ground. They got up again quickly to resume their previous position.

Théoden placed his hand on Aragorn's shoulder meeting his cold blue eyes.

"Let this be the hour when we draw swords together." he said and then turned to y/n.

"It would be my honor." he continued.

Aragorn nodded, as did y/n.

Gimli ran out of the hall, determination in his eyes. Moments later the sound of a horn reverberated through the hall and y/n could feel the ground vibrate.

Horses were brought in, saddled and ready for battle, hooves trampling on the ground nervously. Y/n recognized one light brown steed as the horse she had ridden previously and approached it quickly stroking its soft nose.

A sudden presence behind her made her turn only to be met with the fair face of Legolas. The elf opened his mouth clearly wanting to say something but not finding the right words.

Y/n smiled understanding, she placed a hand on his cheek and made him look into her deep e/c eyes.

"It is almost over." she said steadily before turning and mounting the horse. She didnt waver as she elegantly got up, having had a lot of practice with that these past few weeks. Legolas reached out his hand to touch hers for a second looking at her with uncertain eyes before closing them for a second and nodding.

Then he headed off to find his own horse.

"Fell deeds for for ruin and a red dawn!" said Théoden as he placed his helmet atop his head.

The doors burst open and revealed the mass of Uruk-hai behind it, now ready to storm in with nothing in their way. Nothing but the determined group of fighters atop horses of course.

Théoden raised his sword

"Forth Eorlingas!" he screamed and the horsemen stormed outside and into battle.


Really trying to stay on time with these updates...

~1173 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now