Chapter 13

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"That is no Orc horn."

Y/n ran after Aragorn and Legolas as they rushed outside while Gimli stayed behind, most likely still fumbling with his chainmail. Guards were running past them, looking for the king.

"Open the gate!" she heard one yell. The order was passed down the wall until the heavy gates were pulled open.

Through the open doors rows upon rows of helmed elves walked in with shiny spears in hand. Joy washed over y/n like a long-awaited rain after a hot summer, sending goosebumps onto her skin and giving new hope. With an army of elves at their side a win did not seem like such an obscure idea anymore. Soldiers gazed at the elves in awe and wonder. Théoden appeared his mouth still slightly open in surprise. At the front of the army walked a familiar blond elf.

It was Haldir. He led his folk towards the king before stopping right before him. Haldir bowed as a sign of respect to the stunned human king.

"How is this possible?" muttered Théoden, disbelief evident in his voice.

Haldir responded sounding calm though there was some amusement hidden on his features at the royals astonishment.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together." he said before he turned to the new arrivals. That being Aragorn, Legolas, Y/n and Gimli who had finally caught up with them.

Haldir looked up and a smile grazed his lips.

"We come to honor that allegiance." he finished.

Quickly the four descended the steps to greet their new ally.

"Mae govannen, Haldir." (Welcome, Haldir.)

Haldir raised a hand to his chest before moving it out, an elvish greeting gesture, or hug.

Aragorn raised his hand to copy the movement before stopping and instead pulling the very surprised elf into a human hug. For a moment Haldir froze, too stunned to move but then he awkwardly returned the gesture by gently patting his shoulder.

"You are most welcome." spoke Aragorn sounding slightly breathless.

For a while longer Haldir held the Rangers gaze before the elven army turned in a synchronized movement and Haldir turned to king Théoden.

"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."

Haldir then turned his gaze to y/n.

"It is good to see you again, lady y/n." he said and her eyes widened in surprise. She had not thought that the elf would remember her, let alone her name.

"Well, I'm not that easy to kill." she answered in a joking manner and Haldirs lips quirked slightly upward for just a second.

"So, I've assumed from what you told me."

"Aye, though a battle like this I have not seen before." Now it was Haldir's turn to speak in a jesting manner.

"Surely youre not frightened?"

"'Course not!" she chuckled nervously, "We have you on our side now."

Haldir nodded his head slightly.

"I am honored by your words." he thanked her. I am proud to be fighting alongside you as well.

Haldir then moved his hand in the same motion as he had previously with Aragorn. The corners of the pirates lips twitched and she returned the gesture, winking at Haldir in the process. The elf looked away slightly flustered but not enough for her to notice.

Suddenly Legolas was stood at her side and took her hand into his bigger one.

"We should leave, Meleth." He whispered to her, completely aware that Haldir could understand his words. His blue eyes met with the other male in a silent competition. Yet Haldir unbothered by the young prince's challenge merely quirked a brow and averted his gaze further, watching as y/n was dragged away by the elf.

Y/n was now standing next to Legolas atop the large wall staring in the distance were a small black line represented the oncoming attackers. The army of orcs came steadily closer and she could feel the suspense rising along the lines of fighters.

Though Gimli seemed to not be nervous, maybe it was because he couldnt see the approaching orcs as he was too short to look over the guard rail of the wall they were standing on.

"You could have picked a better spot." he complained and y/n immediately pressed her lips together as to not burst out laughing. She really had no impulse control not even in serious situations like this.

Legolas being a much bigger person than she was only quirked a sly smile and ignored the dwarfs comment. Aragorn approached and stood behind them when Gimli started speaking again.

"Well lad, whatever luck you live by, lets hope it lasts the night." he said and y/n was not sure whether he had meant Aragorn or Legolas but she quickly moved on as it wasnt important enough to think about it.

Suddenly a lightning struck, followed by a deep thunder rolling in over them. The short flash of light hauntingly illuminated the sheer size of the opposing army. Y/n swallowed a little but let no fear be evident on her face.

Legolas too was frightened, shown by his widened eyes, though he spoke to Aragorn in a calm tone.

"Your friends are with you, Aragorn."

"Lets hope they last the night." grumbled Gimli discouragingly.

"Eh, things could be worse." joked y/n looking over to the dwarf who quirked a brow. And as if the universe itself wanted to add to her joke it was then when heavy raindrops started falling down on them. All three men turned their gaze to her with questionable gazes and she quickly averted her eyes.

"Oh well." she muttered.

One of the orcs, a commander of some sort stood atop a rock and urged the sea of Uruk-Hai onward.

Aragorn walked away from them and to the rows of elven archers screaming encouraging elven words to them.

The Uruk-Hai commander roared and threw his head back as his troops stopped their march.

Next to Legolas Gimli had started to jump up and down trying to see over the stone wall in front of him.

"Whats happening out there?" he asked.

"Shall I describe it to you?" questioned Legolas back and y/n mentally prepared herself for his next words, already suspecting what they could be.

"Or would you like me to find you a box?"

Gimli laughed and so did y/n slightly toppling over from the ferocity of her chuckles.

Though she wasnt granted to revel in her joy for long as the Uruks commander roared once more and the entire army started to pound their spears against the ground.

Men and elves readied their bows and swords, preparing for whatever would happen next. Suddenly an arrow flew from amongst their ranks as someone must have accidentally shot it. The arrow burrowed itself into the chest of an Uruk standing in the first row. Y/n raised an impressed brow while others stared in horror.

"Dartho!" (Hold!) could she hear Aragorns voice.

The Uruk-Hai groaned and fell forward, dead. The orcs screamed with their animalistic voices in anger. The commander roared once more this time raising his sword and thrusting it forward. Along with the blades the Orcs came forward storming into Helm Deep.

So, it begins.


I'm honestly super exited for the battle. It'll probably take up the nexr few chapers but it will be fun!!! =)

Also, sorry about the late updates, like I said I'm in Ireland currently. But my sister is leaving now so I will hopefully have more time as there wont be anyone to force me to leave the house anymore!

~1268 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now