Chapter 7

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"Well maybe I'm just a strange human."

Y/n found herself in the great hall once more watching people gather things from boxes and bags, carrying them outside where many villagers were already swarming out of the gates of Rohan. A solid line of people started to stretch out over the plains like a black snake.

Éowyn was also in the hall, somehow the pirate constantly found herself around the blonde. The royal woman had picked up a sword and started swinging it around, quite expertly in y/n's opinion, but she had no experience with swords of that kind. Aragorn suddenly appeared before her, blocking her move with his dagger. Y/n overwatched the situation, sneaking closer to better understand what they were saying, she was feeling especially nosy today.

"Women of this country learned long ago: those without swords may still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain." rang Éowyn's light voice before she sheathed her sword and placed it back in the wooden chest.

"What do you fear, my lady?" spoke Aragorn in a quiet tone as y/n leaned against a nearby column, still out of sight.

Éowyn froze for a second before speaking in a grave voice.

"A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire."

Y/n felt taken aback, the woman had spoken to her about valor and honor before but that she felt so strongly about it was still surprising. She could agree with the fear of a cage, of being locked in place unable to do as she pleases. To be tied down to a location or a person. . She was scared of losing her freedom or freewill, of having no other options but one. But to be scared of not being able to earn valor? What kind of fear is that? Well, y/n was a pirate and thereby a criminal so a pursue of honor has long been lost since she wasn't as delusional as Barbossa.

Aragorn shook his head in wonder.

"You're a daughter of kings, a shieldmaiden of Rohan." he put away his dagger in a grand motion. "I do not think that will be your fate." With that the Ranger turned to leave, leaving a stunned Éowyn behind, looking at him with longing eyes. Y/n chuckled and thereby made her presence known, so the royal whipped around to meet her gaze.

"I know that look." said the pirate while striding closer. Éowyn raised her brows in surprise so y/n continued by pointing an accusing finger. "You fancy him, don't you?"

Immediately colour rushed to the woman's cheeks as her mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to even say a word.

"Don't worry I won't say a thing." she joked and raised her hands in defense winking coyly, finally Éowyn regained her voice.

"I- I barely know him. I mean I- It's just too early." stuttered the blonde and y/n laughed.

"Sometimes these things go quick. But don't hope to much, dolly." Y/n wasn't sure why she was helping Éowyn as she herself had no clue on how to start a relationship. How to seduce someone and make empty promises? She was an expert at that but following through on them was a whole different thing. They are called empty promises for a reason, after all.

"I wouldn't even know how to go about that." objected the blonde.

"Seducing a man?"

"Making him fall in love."

"Well with that I can't help, you gotta figure that out yerself. But-" y/n laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"if ya got any questions, I'm sure to have the answers." she gave Éowyn another wink before walking off and out of the hall.

What was left of the Fellowship joined the people of Rohan who were still streaming out the gates and into the green planes. Gimli was now on a horse alone and was led by Éowyn who was walking, with Aragorn riding behind them. Y/n was sitting in front of Legolas on another horse, further in the front, much to the elfs enjoyment. Y/n herself kept her face neutral choosing to just gaze at her surroundings, while her mind was still hung up on leaving. This journey might be her last opportunity to do so. As soon as they would reach Helms Deep, she would be locked up with the rest of them and would have no choice but to fight in the war.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now