Chapter 14

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So it begins.

A rain of arrows emerged from behind the walls of Helms Deep. The ones of y/n and Legolas somewhere between them.

"Did they hit anything?" yelled Gimli to Legolas who didnt respond. Y/n also made no move to answer the dwarf.

A second wave of arrows crashed down on the army of Uruks. Gimli was still jumping up and down to see better, looking eager to fight like child was eager to go out and play with his friends.

"Send them to me! Come on!" he yelled readying his axe. And while the arrows kept coming and rows upon rows of the Uruks fell they kept advancing and getting closer and closer. The Uruks that were at the front started shooting at them with black crossbows. Men of Rohan fell down behind the wall and mostly dies upon impact, but they had it better than the poor souls that fell into the crowds of ruthless orcs when they were hit by the arrows. A row of orcs carrying what looked to be a ladder were charging to the front.

Aragorn screamed something that y/n thought would relate to that.

"Good!" yelled Gimli in glee.

The ladders were long and had hooks that came down to hold onto the wall. The first orcs were climbing up and Gimli cried out happily when he made first contact. But y/n wasnt as happy with this outcome.

"Oh no you dont." she muttered and jumped up on the thick stone railing.

"Y/n what are you doing!" yelled a panicked Legolas.

"Something reckless" was all she answered before she pulled her blade and let hit clash onto the hooks that were holding onto the wall. The black blade easily cut though the metal and the stone beneath. She then kicked against the protruding end of the ladder, making direct eye contact with the orc that had just reached the top. The monster screeched in Horror as the ladder started to fall back. A disgusting squelching noise told her that the ladder had crushed multiple orcs when it came crashing down, without even having to look.

Behind her she heard Gimli complain.

"No! Let them come! Let them come to me! I want to fight!"

With a satisfied smirk she ran along the wall to the next ladder, cutting an arrow that was flying towards her out of the air.

Atop of the wall, coming from another ladder stood two orcs she had to deal with before she could cut it down. Once more she could hear Gimli yell, this time to Legolas.

"Legolas! Two already!" he held up two proud fingers but Legolas was less than impressed.

"Im on seventeen!" he called back and immediately Gimli gave an outraged scream.

"Ill have no pointy-ear outscoring me!"

"Do ladders count?" she yelled over to the two and they looked over just in time to see her kick down her second one. "Because in that case-" A loud clang and squelching noise came from deep under the wall. "I win!"

She heard more angry noises from the dwarf that she could not even make out as words. More as a vocalization of his offend. She ran back towards her friends as a new ladder had been propped up before them. Swiftly she cut through the metal, as much fun as this was there was no blood involved so she should start worrying about killing orcs in a more direct manner.

Just as she raised her boot to kick down the ladder a black arrow was flying directly towards her. Suddenly arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her down behind the rail. Though through her kicking legs she just barely reached the black ladder and managed to bring the ladder to a fall.

Blonde hair was in her face as she looked up. Legolas was on one knee where he had propped her against while shooting arrows from his bow to keep the orcs away.

"You need to be more careful!" he chastised her when she got up to keep fighting.

"You just dont want me to win!" she joked while stabbing an orc through the head. She started swinging her blade around her, gliding across the battle field as if it was a dancefloor. She took to such a large-scale battle better than she had hoped for.

She kicked one orc away from her and it landed on the ground but before she could give him his final strike Gimlis axe intervened.

"Six!" he called when his axe split the orcs head in two.

"Blimey! Why you little-" she began but interrupted herself by turning and slicing another orcs head of.

"Seven!" she called. She had decided that besides how much she wanted she wouldnt be able to count the ones she squished with the ladder. Mostly just because she had no idea how to find that out.

She continued counting out loud as to not lose track but Gimli saw it as another challenge and started counting as well.

"Nine, Ten, Elven!" she called.

"Eight, nine, ten" counted Gimli. They continued on fighting next to each other, keeping the others back free of orc weapons.

"14, 15." the dwarf continued.

"15." she yelled bevor striking another orc.

"15!" she called again when her blade cut through another attacker, before hesitating. "Ah! Sink me!" she then yelled angrily. "Youre making me loose count.

Gimli only laughed happily. Y/n continued on, now trying to create distance between her and the cackling dwarf.

Suddenly she heard Aragorn yell something in elvish and the elven bowmen around her all turned to the bridge leading to one of the doors. Atop it a group of orcs had formed a turtle formation and was steadily advancing towards the door as the arrows sent their way were bouncing of their shields.

What y/n noticed next were some other orcs carrying what looked to be barrels of something towards the wall and something clicked in her head.

"A distraction." she muttered. Though it seemed as though she had realized to late as a large Uruk charged towards them with a lit torch in hand.

"Torch!" she cried out almost at the same time that Aragorn yelled something to Legolas in elvish, he immediately aimed his bow at the tall orc.

Y/n decided that she must help him and sheathed her blade. She had collected a considerable amount of blood but due to her running around in the beginning hit hurt quite a bit. She felt the wind being knocked out of her lungs but managed to recover after just a few seconds. Though in moments like these, every second was valuable so when she stood straight again and had her pistol pulled, the Uruk with the fire had advanced even further. She aimed her gun but the Uruk suddenly lunged forward diving head first into the gutter.

An Explosion tore through the walls.


Yo, I worked HARD to get this chapter up on time!

Hope ya liked it!!

~1171 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now