Chapter 9

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"Hope." she repeated "It's all we have left."

Relief washed over everybody except y/n as they walked through the gates of Helms Deep. Y/n was riding next to Legolas who had Gimli on his horse with him. She felt heavy hearted when she looked at the walls surrounding Helms Deep. They were sure to keep attackers out, and her in.

"Make way for the king!" called the voice of the head guard and the people jumped aside to let the horsemen through.

"Make way for Théoden! Make way for the king!"

Y/n could see a familiar head of blonde hair running towards the king.

"So, few. So, few of you have returned." she could barely hear Éowyns soft voice but could make out the kings answer clearly.

"Our people are safe."

He turned to assist a wounded soldier who was riding with him and continued speaking.

"We have paid for it with many lives."

Éowyn kept looking around and y/n saw Gimli jump of the horse and approach the woman. Y/n stayed on the horse a little longer as behind her also sat a wounded soldier.

"My lady." said the dwarf solemnly.

Éowyn turned to him, a worried look on her fair face.

"Lord Aragorn ... where is he?" her voice was barely above a whisper.

"He fell." brought Gimli out, the words feeling difficult to him. Éowyn was in shock, panicked she look to y/n for guidance but she could only shake her head.

"He fell off a cliff." she explained further before jumping of her horse and helping the wounded man behind her down as well. Éowyn's mouth fell open and she stumbled back. When her knees fell weak, she sat down at the next best opportunity and stared off into the distance.

Y/n too let her eyes cast onto the floor where they lingered, trying to avoid all of the worried and scared faces. With an absent mind she stroked her horses nose. It was quite the nervous fellow with light brown fur and a dark mane. The soft snout played gently with her fingers and a shy smile found its way onto the pirates lips.

"Yer hungry aren't ya?" she mumbled before taking the steeds reigns and turning around only to be met with the face of Legolas, he too held the reigns of two other horses.

Y/n eyed them for a second.

"Takin' 'em to the stables, ay?" Legolas nodded, so they headed off together.

They walked in silence and didnt talk while they fed the horses and removed their saddles and headgear. When they were done their eyes met.

She could basically feel the worry radiating of off his body in waves. Y/n had no experience in comforting others but felt the need to help her friend, even though she had planned on leaving him today. She would have to leave it behind her as her plan failed anyways. Like she was walking on glass she snuck over to the blond elf and laid a hand on his shoulder. When he didn't look up to meet her gaze, she added another hand on his cheek.

"I don't believe that Aragorns dead. , she spoke with conviction. "He is much too tough to perish just like that. He will come back to us."

"I have not travelled or been around humans before. Always have I been warned that humans are weak and fragile in comparison to us. Maybe I really am not confident enough in his strength. In the strength of mankind." answered Legolas.

Once more he wrapped his arms around y/n's body pulling her close and rested his chin on her head. Her breath hitched, still not used to this new found affection.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now