Chapter 20

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But for now they had a different mission. Finding Merry and Pippin.

Gandalf was leading Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Théoden and Y/n through a dark forest, Fangorn Forest to be specific. last time y/n had been in this forest she had been too livid to even notice the eeriness of the place and having seen an army of Uruks getting swallowed by trees did nothing to ease her tense mind of any worry clouding it. Come to think of it, when they were here last time, they had been searching Merry and Pippin, and this time they were once again looking for them.

The trees opened up to a wider path that soon became a gravel road. The trees seemed more friendly here, in a sense. Dear Calypso, maybe Legolas was rubbing off on her. The trees feel calmer here, more content. That didnt seem like a thought that stemmed from her mind. Maybe because it was just because the trees were spaced further apart and the sun falling in made it easier to breath. Or maybe it was just because winning her first war had put her in a good mood.

The line of trees ended and Isengard was revealed. Or what was left of it. The place was a mess. The walls were cracked and splintered into a thousands of shards. Water covered the ground, floating in it, pieces of wood, be those parts of trees or some kind of wooden beam that must have been support for something at some point.

In the middle of the chaos stood a large black stoned tower, remarkably untouched by all the rubble that surrounded it.

And then in the midst of the destruction atop some kind of half standing shed were Merry and Pippin, calling out to them and frantically waving their arms to gain the groups attention.

Y/n face shifted into a bright smile and she opened her mouth into a silent shocked laughter at seeing the familiar faces once again.

They all stared and Gimli was the first to speak.

"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you, feasting and smoking." complained he with obvious amusement in his voice.

Pippin laughed before speaking with his mouth full.

"We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good." he explained sounding overly proud of himself. Y/n to felt proud of the two hobbits for having survived and even thrived in this difficult situation.

Gimli with a sudden peaked interest repeated the hobbits words.

"Salted pork?"

Gandalf shook his head in disappointed adornment.


Y/n steered her horse to go over to the two small men.

"You two little scallywags!" she yelled "I was so worried about ya!" even though her words were angry there was laughter in her tone.

"Y/n!" exclaimed Pippin in joy, bending his knees to jump off the wall and into the awaiting arms of the pirate. Air roughly left her lungs as she was tackled by the young hobbit but she was too happy to hold him in his arms to be upset about it.

And as if having one hobbit in her arms wasnt enough Merry quickly followed his cousin in jumping on the pirate.

Y/n laughed in pure joy unaware of a pair of ocean blue eyes adoringly staring at her.

"We're under orders, from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." called Merry happily over the woman's shoulder, most likely hoping to receive praise from the white wizard he was looking at.

After the two hobbits had had enough of hugging y/n and were able to be convinced to split from her, well Merry agreed to ride on the horse of Aragorn anyways while Pippin remained seated in front of the pirate.

They were walking further through the muddy water when they were suddenly approached by a tree. Y/n eyes widened as she gazed into a bark covered face with big hazel eyes. The thing was towering over the group even when they were sitting atop of horses. Leaves and twigs were sprouting from the beings head and what she would call fingers.

She swallowed heavily, as she felt intimidated by the being whichs existence, she could not quite fathom, even though it was standing in front of her, without a doubt.

"What is it with this place and living trees?" muttered she under her breath receiving a chuckle from Pippin and Legolas who was riding beside her, as they were the only people that had heard her words.

"Burarum ... Young Master Gandalf. I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone, I can master, but theres a Wizard to be managed here ... locked in his tower." spoke the tree making the pirate even more confused about the way the being worked. Did it have organs? Blood maybe? Or was it just wood and leaves fuled by some kind of magic. The tree spoke painfully slow and took long breaks after each sentence, though she did have to fight a chuckle when the tree called Gandalf young. How absurd.

"And there Saruman must remain, under your guard, Treebeard." spoke Gandalf confidently.

"Let's just have his head and be done with it." suggested Gimli in his usual gruff tone. Slowly the wizards eyes moved up the tower just to remain on the very top of it.

"No. He has no power anymore." muttered he.

Treebeard nodded in agreement.

"The filth of Saruman is washing away ... Trees will come back to live here, young trees ... wild trees." he explained at record speeds.

Y/n noticed Pippin stirring in front of her and quick as a flash he had jumped down from the horse landing with a splash in the dirty water. Confused she looked at the hobbit trying to figure out what got his attention. Then she saw it.

Underneath the dark water something was glowing in an ominous golden light. Without hesitation he picked it up, raising it to the height of his eyes.

"Well bless my bark!" exclaimed Treebeard in shock, or as much shock as he could be in. With facial features limited by the flexibility of wood and all.

"Peregrin Took! I'll take that, my lad." spoke Gandalf urgently but Pippin did not move, entranced by the perfectly round reddish-black stone.

"Quickly, now!" continued the wizard.

Reluctantly Pippin reached out his hands giving the ball to Gandalf who immediately smothered it in his long cloak.

Gandalf gave the young elf a troubled look.

"Ay, c'mon mate!" exclaimed y/n suddenly. "Get back on the horse so we can go back!"


I've noticed that I don't write many discriptions, I should do it more to practice but for me, I mostly find it annyoing in Fanfiction because I KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. I've started this story knowing who its about you don't need to describe it. I am aware of hair and eyecolour, calm down. (written down that sounds way more aggressive than I mean it...)

But what do you think?

~1182 words

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWhere stories live. Discover now