We are demons (au) part 1 *dark chapter* Warning violence and domestic abuse

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I got some of the premise of this chapter from another Wattpad user and their pretty amazing they wrote Demons which is a Damirae fanfic I recommend it if you haven't read it already. So thank you Bats_1213 So with that let's get on with it.
Raven stood on the icy tundra, she had been hunting this vampire for months. Her fangs ripped through her gums as her eyes turned a vicious red. Joined at her side was Damien Al Ghul a vengeful assassin on those that deserved it and also a half-demon just like her.

The cold was nothing to them as they scouted the area drinking what was left of an animal carcass's blood to keep them sustained.

"He is good, but not good enough." Damian admitted his now blood-red eyes shining brightly, as he wiped leftover blood off of his chin and sucked the droplet off his thumb carefully as if it was ambrosia from the gods.

The wind howled around them quieting their voices as if they were nothing more than whispers lost to the cold. But they could still hear each other for miles even with such weather.

Raven looked at him with an eyebrow raised and her mouth slightly parted in disbelief. "You're complimenting the enemy," she asked surprised as magic hung around her fingertips increasing her vision.

A sword was clasped to Damian's back, a reply had died on his tongue the moment he thought it as he stared at the demoness. Suddenly there was the sound of movement, footprints were made in the snow.

But they were light enough that they might not have been spotted, clearly they were in a rush. "Let's get this son of a bitch for his crimes against Hell!" Raven yelled with fury as she flew off after him with Damian just behind her. His now unsheathed sword was at his side.

The man they were hunting was an old Vampire who had at one point served Demons, particularly the King and Queen of Hell. He was notorious for his endless drinking and parties.

But unfortunately, he wanted too much power. He had planned an assassination attempt on the rulers of Hell and for his crimes, he was sentenced to death by beheading in front of the royal court. He escaped as he was underestimated however he was now doomed to be chased by the King and Queen of Hell themselves and he had just signed his death sentence.

Raven remembered that day well, her eyes cloudy and her cheeks stained with old tears. Her makeup was perfect, and she got told not to cry on her wedding day. It was a marriage forced upon her by the lords of hell. She was to be married to the family of Al Ghul in the name of her father. She was sure the boy didn't want this either, but what could they do they were both demons sworn to obey Trigon's command.

Her dream of finding love on her own and having her wedding planned with her soon-to-be husband by her side. Had been crushed into dust, by the very person who was meant to protect that innocence and nurture her dreams into a reality. The most her father did was give her the choice of what dress to wear.

She was to be a queen of a kingdom that she had no desire to rule and the moment the contract between her and her 'husband' was sealed, never to be broken she would become the next queen and he the next king. She would be forced to marry someone who she had only met briefly at dinner once a week. She knew his name was Damian and that he was 20 just like her.

She knew some information as they had dinner together once a week, she suffered through it gritting her teeth as her ' mother-in-law' made comments on her appearance and how she was eating so much.

Damian did jump to her defence once before he was shot down in flames, his face paled and he played carelessly with his food.

From what she could tell his grandfather was an aggressive man and she could see the power-hungry glare in his eyes as he stared at her like a precious gem for the taking.

On the day of the wedding, everyone in Hell attended. Talia was helping her daughter-in-law get dressed for her day. She pulled at her scalp and left scratches on her skin, in an attempt to make her look as ugly as possible. She remembered the names Talia called her.

"Your a whore, a bitch and a halfbreed freak!" Talia yelled shocking the other servants who couldn't say anything due to the tongues being cut out only to slowly regrow much to Talia's fury.

Damian and her had agreed to try and make this situation work. Much to Trigon's and Ra Al Ghul's delight. As Raven stepped out onto the aisle, her veil spread behind her like a cloak as she walked servants kissed her dress.

Her dark hair was in a braid which sat on the top of her head. Damian looked at her in adoration he may not have been in love with her yet, but he was certainly falling. He had been taught that emotions were a weakness to be removed from a person.

He remembered the sting of the whips as they pierced his flesh as he begged his Grandfather for forgiveness. He remembered his cries when he drank his first-person dry, his whimpers were quickly silenced by his grandfather who had dragged the corpse out of the room and beat him mercilessly. His skin cracked and spilt, blood dripped down his back and bruises covered his face and sides.

He lay there letting out quiet whimpers of pain. As he wallows in self-pity for his faults and cursed his emotions and his half-human side. He threw some of his belongings at his bedroom wall as they smashed against the hardwood.

He expected his mother to soothe his cries but when she did arrive she only looked at him coldly. "You are an Al Ghul Damian, act like it!" She hissed out her voice stern as she yelled, "and clean this mess up!" As she slammed the door so hard behind her that it caused the room to shake.

But here he was on his wedding day, he looked at Raven and smiled as she came and stood opposite him. While his father-in-law Trigon and his grandfather wore smirks each eyeing each other across the room sizing each other up. His mother on the other hand was glaring at his new wife with hatred. Once the contract was signed and vows were made they were announced to be the new rulers of Hell.

"I object to this wedding!" A voice yelled out who was hidden in the crowd it was a man who looked to be in his mid-30s as he threw a knife which was kept on a silver platter "Die you half-breed scum!" He screamed.

Trigon's voice boomed his devil form on full display "Guards Seize him, an assassination on your future rulers had been made! Take him to the dungeons, prepare him for torture!" Trigon yelled his voice shaking hell like an earthquake, as he smiled evilly as he watched the perpetrator be dragged away.

You're as dark as my demon but your as light as the sun a DAMIRAE fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now