Meeting the Bat-family part 4

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Warning suggestive themes
The young couple were still in bed, Damian had taken to his favourite pastime. Gazing at Raven, her violet hair spread out on the bed like a curtain and her eyes squeezed shut as if trying to block out the light. Her pale skin was flawless and bathed in sunlight as her head was resting on Damian's chest.

She opened her eyes and let out a yawn before looking up at her love and smiling before getting dressed, her clothes from the previous night were discarded particularly from her and Damian's 'nightly activities' she used her magic to dress herself in new clothes before then levitating the old ones in the laundry basket and getting up off the bed causing her boyfriend to complain.

"No beloved don't leave me!" He wined and in an attempt to get her back to bed, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed the spot right underneath her ear that he knew drove her up the wall. "Damian" the demoness complained attempting to bat him away although she knew it was futile she let out a huff as she felt the marks on her neck.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" She said pointing to the love bites before placing her hands on her hips and giving a mock scowl to her boyfriend which just caused him to pout "at least everyone knows that your mine now beloved." He said his voice dripping love and adoration as he took in her appearance "and if I remember correctly you were enjoying it after all you were just as brutal." He said in a husky tone before pointing to his own neck which had the same love bites.


This sound was enough to draw the two lovers out of their thoughts as they heard a familiar voice through the door, it was Kori.

"Raven I want to ask if you would like to join me, Stephanie and Cassandra on a girl's day to get our dresses for the ball tomorrow evening". Called the alien from Tamerin.

Raven's eyes widened, as she and Damian looked at each other before he darted off to the bathroom to get dressed and in quick time too, as Raven could hear a scream of glee from who she presumed was Stephane. Before the door fell off its hinges clattering to the floor with a thud much to Raven's shock. There standing before her was a tall blond woman with blue eyes dressed in a quite revealing top and jeans which revealed her stomach and cleavage.

"So you must be Dami's girlfriend I am so happy to finally meet you, the little bird wouldn't shut up about you." She said before tackling Raven into a hug that almost knocked her off her feet. "This girl is a bunch of excited energy," the empath thought to herself. But, she could also sense a lot of power and strength in this woman and knew she was not to be messed with.

Stood by Stephanie's side was who Raven presumed must be Cassandra. She was a lot like Damian, cold on the outside but a warm soul underneath at least for those she cared for and her emotions were well hidden even for an empath like herself Raven thought that this could be because of her upbringing but she was quickly snapped out of it by Cassandra's voice.

"Mind not suffocating the girl Steph that is unless you want Damian to cut off your hands." She joked before pulling Stephanie off her to which the girl relented. "Hi I am Cassandra but you can call me Cass and you must be Raven nice to meet you". She said politely her voice calm and tranquil that is until she mentioned a certain Wayne.

"Damian get your ass out here before I start telling Raven embarrassing stories about you." Cass yelled through the bathroom door.

The door opened with a start and there stood Damian Wayne his back leaning against the door and his hair perfectly styled as he smirked at his sister.

"You wouldn't want to be late now would you?" He asked "I don't think we have enough time to share your embarrassing stories, Cass," he said empathising with the 'your'.

His face turned into a smile as he turned to Raven her eyes staring back into his as he whispered, "have a great time beloved and just to warn Barbara likes asking questions, so good luck and come back to me soon".

She stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek "I will see you soon my love". She turned to face the girls who had expressions of awe on their faces even Kori who had never seen Damian be so affectionate and happy. They left heading to the car which was parked out in front of the manor.

You're as dark as my demon but your as light as the sun a DAMIRAE fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now