Protection and safety part 1

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"I can protect myself, Damian, I almost went insane when you left me that night!" She screamed. Her eyes were blood red as the dark circles and eye bags became more prominent. Her magic began wrapping around her and the objects in their shared home.

Damian was terrified, not for himself and his safety but for her. He heard the lamp next to him smash, shards of glass littered the rug as the lamps flew towards her before stopping in mid-air.

He stopped for a moment, inhaling a deep breath to calm his fear and lightning-fast heartbeat. "Raven please..." he begged as he watched her eyes flicker between two distinct colours. She hadn't been sleeping since he had been rushed to Gotham and despite his pleas to his father so that Raven could join them, the point had been left dead upon arrival.

This of course had upset Raven who had been his girlfriend for over a year. Darkness hung in the air as she tried to maintain control over her emotions. He knew she would take it hard, she was almost always concerned for his safety just like he was for her. They were each other's limbs in a sense, they couldn't be apart for long and while the Batfamily had welcomed Raven, even Bruce himself commented on how capable she was.

Batman was still hesitant to welcome Raven on the mission, mostly because having her father imprisoned had taken its toll, she was more violent with criminals if they were to anger her. This only further pushed Bruce into his paranoia as he reasoned that she would be a liability if someone hurt those she loved and cared for and Damian was at the top of that list.

Anyone who hurt Damian would face Raven's unstoppable wrath and the same was true for the others unfortunately Gotham was nothing like jump city, Gotham bred a special type of criminal; the kind that would kill, murder and torture even the most innocent of souls.

Damian had faced a lot of evil people in his time as Robin, he wasn't sure he could use the word evil as even his morals were questionable! Hell, even his father's were sculpted to fit the mantle of The Dark Knight. But nothing was more terrifying than watching the one you cared about most, snap.

Raven's face twisted into an angry expression like that of a bloodthirsty dog. She let out a snarl and at that moment Damian felt guilt eat away at his broken soul, he regretted ever taking up the mission in the first place.

Damian tried to beseech to her better nature to calm the empath and against his judgment took a step closer, to the swirling storm of emotions that was Raven. Her dark magic cut through his skin like blades from a freshly sharpened sword.

Blood covered his hands as he gritted his teeth. Her magic was the colour of nightmares, a sickening black colour that looked like it would cover even the most powerful lights, it was as thick as wax. It bubbled taking hold of the furniture; consuming it like an empty pit.

"Raven!" He yelled putting his hand up in some sort of defensive position or surrender. Raven was fighting a losing battle and Damian knew it; feeling bile rise from his throat as he fought against the current that was Raven's unstable magic.

The demon in her was taking control as dread filled Damian's body, and his heart sank like a huge stone. She was fighting and he had to do something to help! He reached out to her, breaking the barrier that stood between them, cupping her face in his hands. "Raven come back to me please!" Damian pleaded and for a moment time itself slowed.

The magic dispersed and the empath in Damian's arms shuddered. Her eyes still closed and to Damian's shock, he was sucked into somewhere he didn't recognise.

The first thing Damian gathered was a blue cloudless sky. It was morning, "but how long had he been out?" Damian asked himself shielding his newly opened eyes from the hot sun. He looked down at himself, taking in his appearance; he was in his Robin outfit, and the red, yellow and green armour looked brand new!

He gazed at his hands, his eyes widening as he realised he wasn't wearing his gloves as his eyes widened in surprise; the cuts on his hands were not there, in fact, they looked like they had never been there in the first place as he marvelled at his unmarked skin.

In the trees, he could hear animals scurrying across the floor. Squirrels ran up and down trees as they foraged for nuts. It was calm, tranquil and peaceful. He felt the air fill his lungs and the feeling of weightlessness buried itself within his soul as he was finally broken from his trace. He looked around in awe; pillars of marble stood, basking in the glow of the sun. Their shape was perfect cylinders, not one mark in sight. They looked like they should be part of a monstrosity. They reminded Damian of the temples of Greek mythology or the island of Themyscira.

But, something called Damian to them, an air of familiarity surrounded them as he ran his fingers across the smooth surface, studying it carefully as he felt warmth flood his body, it felt almost alive under his touch!

Damian shook his head, removing his hand almost too quickly for the human eye. He smell something horrific for a moment as the faint smell of death and decay filtered through his senses. He knew it was probably dangerous. But he felt the hilt of his sword a newfound determination in his sights, as he went in search of his beloved.

Stepping down, the gorgeous staircase, following the smell as he was renewed with newfound hope, as he watched the shadow of a very large temple come into view.

"Raven!" Damian called through a telepathic connection that the two had established a couple of months ago, in an attempt to ease the suffering of his beloved when she wasn't with him.

He waited for a response dragging his feet across the grass and the fresh flowers that bloomed under his feet as he stepped towards the temple, which was growing larger as he took bigger strides. Doves flew from the trees, as quiet chirps sounded across the sky leaving nothing but feathers in their wake.

"Damian?" The voice sounded in his subconscious, it was calm, peaceful and maybe a little confused.

"Raven, I found you, Beloved! Where are you?" Damian asked in response as he felt relief fill his lungs. His green eyes narrowed as he felt the familiar pull that was Raven's powers pulse in the air.

Storm clouds drew in from out of nowhere, thunder deafened Damian's ears! The once beautiful sky had turned hazy fog surrounded him, like a protective shield.

"Damian, run! Leave this place please..." Raven choked out. As he felt something throw him backwards a couple of meters. He landed on a bush of roses, their thorns piercing his skin as he let out a hiss. Blood dripped from the wounds, and he felt himself go dizzy. He had seen too much blood to feel sick over it!

"No this was something else entirely?" He thought as he forced himself off the plants, pulling out the thorns with his teeth. Dread once again filled his veins, as the sky turned a dark menacing red!

This wasn't Raven, she would never hurt him. This was something dark, unstoppable and demonic. Shadows began to take over, birds let out shrieks as they flew away as if they were being chased! Plant withered and wilted, the sun was no more being engulfed in shadow. Damian caught something out of the corner of his eye and for the first time he felt unbearable rage and fear!

It was... Trigon

You're as dark as my demon but your as light as the sun a DAMIRAE fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now