Prologue 1 | Stranger From Bygone Times

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"Life" = talking

Life = thinking

(Life) = flashback

*Life* = action

6 March 2022

Himeji, a moderately tranquil city. Unlike the busy traffics of Tokyo, it is the ideal spot for a nice, cozy urban life. But the city held lots of secrets.

8 years have passed since the Greater Grail was dismantled from Fuyuki for good. Many magi are still upset that their twisted source of entertainment is gone and some of them are fully committed to recreate the magic that is the Holy Grail War in this city. This is done here due to the fact that the Clock Tower and the Church don't have much influence in this particular city.

However, another secret rises from under the ground. Digging up the concrete emerges a humanoid figure, wearing a white kimono, but cloaked in a black cape. Make no mistake, that figure is none other than a Dead Apostle....

Freud POV

"Where am I?"

When he opens his eyes, the pale undead realise that the surroundings have become.... strange.

For starters, there's white buildings everywhere. Trees are few and overshadowed by these tall, rectangular structures.

"Is this place... still Himeji?"

The pale undead scratches his head.

"How long have I been sleeping? Decades? Centuries? Guess one way to find out, then."

Sensing a movement from behind, he approaches a jogger.

"Greetings, young man. May I know where and what time it is?"

The jogger seems startled by the approach.

"Oh, uh, hi! I see that you're not from around here! We're currently in Nishinikaimachi and it's 07:00 a.m. now." The jogger responds nervously.

"Thanks. Apologies for wasting your time here as I am not familiar with the area around here."

"No-no! It's okay! I'm glad that I can help you! By the way, you should use your smartphone for directions. The streets here can be difficult to tell apart." The jogger advises.

The pale undead looks confused.

"Smartphone? What is that?"

"Eh?" The jogger replies.

Timeskip 12 p.m.

Takeru POV

"I see, so you're saying that you're travelling alone without a guide? In this city, out of all places?"

"Yes." Freud replies.

"Without a smartphone, without clothes, without anything at all?"

"Y-Yes. It was foolish of me. My first time travelling to another country and I messed up badly." Freud stutters.

This guy is suspicious, but he seems clumsy?

"*Ahem* Anyway, I haven't introduced myself yet."

I reach my hand to him and do a JOJO pose. Hopefully it brightens up the atmosphere.


The pale man looks at Takeru with confusion.

Oh shit! Did I go too far?

"Is this what young men these days are like? Doing weird poses and all that? Twas.... not annoying I suppose." Freud says with a shrug.


Why did I do that? This is so embarrassing! I'm cringe as hell!!!

"Anyway, how rude of me to not introduce myself sooner... Mine name is Freud Arrenbach. You may call me 'Floyd' or 'Floyd-san' if you prefer. Pleased to meet you, Takeru-dono." Freud states with a bow.

Wow, this dude must be a high class noble or something!

I noticed something odd.

"By the way, why did you keep calling me young man, Floyd-san? We look to be the same age, right?"

The pale man blinks before he replies.

"Ah! This is just how I speak! I was taught Japanese this way, so it must feel weird to you, Takeru-dono." Freud says energetically.

"No-no, your Japanese is good! Amazing even! You speak like a native, albeit the old school style!"

"Hehe, is that so?" Freud replies with a smile.

What a charming and radiant smile! I bet he is a ladykiller!

Me and Floyd-san keep talking about various topics. From culture, food, politics, etc. Floyd-san doesn't seem to be familiar with anything in the current time at all! He must have lived a sheltered life. Poor him.

Timeskip 3 p.m.

Katsura Apartments

Freud POV

"So this is the place where I will be staying, Takeru-dono?"

"Hai! I have talked with the landlord and he has given the approval! Man, I was surprised that you're going to pay him with Koban coins of all things! Those things can be sold with a lot of money, so you should keep it with you carefully, Floyd-san!" Takeru scolds him.

"Haha, I did not bring yen with me during my travels. Looks like I got the wrong currency."

Hopefully he buys it.

"Well, you're quite the funny guy, Floyd-san! If you sold those coins, I guarantee you'll have enough yen to stay here for months! But! You still need a job though. You can't just waste money without earning it!" Takeru advises.

"Got it. Thank you for all your services, Takeru-dono. I swear by my name, Freud Arrenbach, that I will repay you soon."

The pale undead bows to Takeru respectfully.

"E-Eh?! It's okay! I just do the right thing! No need to repay me that earnestly!" Takeru says with panic.

"Hehe. It will be fine. How can I not repay your kindness when you have done so much for me? No need to worry, I shall not push myself too hard."

"If you say so..." Takeru says sheepishly. "Anyway, I'll be going now. See you later!" The young man left the room.

"Let's see, so this is a '1R'? Pretty minimalistic. Adequate to be my base of operations."

Still, that young man is kind, but naïve. There were too many opportunities he has given to me with his defenseless neck.
Had I been more 'in-tune' with my nature as a vampire, I would 'devour' him quickly, painlessly....

I look around the room, walk to the center and sit in a seiza style.

"6 March 2022. I have been sleeping for nearly 2 centuries now. My hunger is greater than they have ever been, and yet, I must not take a direct approach lest the Church would hunt me down. What should I do?"

If only there was an easy way to gather blood peacefully....

("You can do anything with a smartphone nowadays! I recommend you get one as soon as possible, Floyd-san!")

"A smartphone, eh? Maybe I should get one after I sell the Koban coins..... Alright then, time for some excursion."

The pale undead walk through the streets, asking pedestrians for directions to the nearest antique store. He notices that while they're not afraid to help, they seem to be engrossed with these so-called 'smartphones' of theirs. So much so that it took him several tries to get their attention.

Tch, this is going to take a while.

Fate/Remembrance (Dead Apostle OC X Osakabehime)Where stories live. Discover now