Chapter 19 | Of the Same Cloth

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10 a.m.

Chinese District

Koushuuensaikan Taizan (Himeji Branch)

Entering the restaurant, a cloud of scent wafts through the entire place. Chili pepper, garlic, spring onion, meat, MSG, created a dizzying mixture unsuitable for those of delicate tongue. Fortunately the challenger this time is no ordinary human.

Freud POV


When was the last time I went to a Chinese eatery? 1750? 1800?

A petite woman with brown, double bun hairstyle in qí páo approaches the pale undead. She's a familiar face for those who visited her restaurant back in Fuyuki 18 years ago.

"What can I get you?" Batsu asks.

"Lao Pan, give me the spiciest Ma La Tofu that you have."

"With rice?" Batsu asks.

"No rice. Also, one hot tea, please."

"One Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu, one hot tea, coming right up!" Batsu heads to the kitchen.

She has employees, right? It appears that she like doing things herself?

*Bzzt!* *Bzzzzttt~*

A fly circles around overhead, overjoyed to be overwhelmed by the flavorful scent.

I grip my chopsticks.

"A good way to pass time. This can train your hand to eye coordination."

{Do not try this at home, fellas.}


With a burst of speed, his chopsticks lurch forward in hopes to catch the elusive prey, but...

*Bzzt!* *Bzzbzzzbzzt!*

"I miss! Second try!"


*Bzzt!* *Bzzweakzzzztt-


"Got you."

The fly squirms to no avail, awaiting its doom.

*Bzzwuttt!* *Bzzzellppptttt!!!* *Bzztbztbzt!!!*

"Nothing personal, Children of Beelzebub. Tis the circle of life."

I eat the fly, earning stares of disgust from other customers.

I will not pass on free protein, even as a walking corpse that does not need it.

Batsu comes back with the inhuman dish, seemingly nonchalant to her customer's antics.

Batsu comes back with the inhuman dish, seemingly nonchalant to her customer's antics

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"Here's your order, young man. Savor it well!" Batsu says.

"Will do, lao pan."

I cannot taste human food. Spiciness, however, is not tasted, but felt.

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