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Scene 1
Servant Class Speculation

Assassin slams the table.
Assassin: "We need a NEW game!"
Freud: "What game?"
Assassin: "One that doesn't involve technology!"
Freud: "So a board game?"
Assassin: "Well that too! But first of all, I have created this one: The Servant Class Speculation game!"
*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*
Freud: "THAT kind of game? A guessing game?"
Assassin: "The rules are simple, I say the name of the famous figure and we all speculate what kind of class they would be in. Of course, we must provide our reasoning as to why."
Freud: "I do not have a lot of knowledge when it comes to 'famous figures' around the world. Even so, I shall try my best."
Assassin: "Yosh! First one: George Washington!"
Freud: "First president of the United States? Easy, Rider."
Assassin: "Oh? And why is that?"
Freud: "He leads an army, he leads the nation, he is one of the Founding Fathers of said nation. Riders are often those that pave the way for their followers, right? Given that he is the first that ruled over the current Superpower nation, long before they are 'Super', he must have some sort of skill that further legitimise his role as a Rider. Such as 'Pioneer of the Stars' maybe, considering the fact that he, along with the other Founding Fathers, created one of, if not, THE most influential nation of the modern world."
Assassin: "Wow. Not bad for a Stranger of Modern History."
Freud: "What about you? What is your pick?"
Assassin: "Berserker."
Freud: "Intriguing."
Assassin: "Knowing Nasu, he would probably make George a female or just a male counterpart to Paul Bunyan. As to why George is Berserker……"
Freud: "Why?"
Assassin: "Why not?"
Freud is confused.
Freud: "Eh?"
Assassin: "Either Mushroom puts George there just to match with Paul Bunyan, or it's just a whim, or there's a lot of complicated shit that he made so that George can be female and/or can fit the Berserker class after said whim."
Freud: "Nasuverse Lore 101."
Clive: "Oi, oi, oi! Y'all have this sick game without inviting me on it? To top it all of, talking about a Murican figure?! As a proud Murican, I'm in!"
Freud: "Who are you?"

Scene 2

*Anime noises*
Rider: "...."
Yasaka: "...."
Rider: *Eats chips*
Yasaka: "Can I have the TV now?"
Rider: "Nope."
Yasaka: "But my period drama! Today is the final episode!"
Rider: "Did I ask?"
Rider dodges in time!
Rider: "What the hell, Master?!"
Yasaka: "Draw your sword. 3 hits and you're out. Winner gets the TV, Loser wipes the floor of the ENTIRE estate."
Rider: "Are you ser-"
Yasaka smirks.
Yasaka: "One down. Two to go."
Rider: "Grr, you'll regret this!"
A swift heated battle between Master and Servant commences! In the end, Yasaka won with a score of 3 : 2.

Scene 3
Lia Reginastella

Now here's a character with a bit of flair. A lady with straight, long purple hair reminiscent of the 'the night sky', yellow eyes, fair skin, leo zodiac sign earrings, Mage's Association Uniform with custom coat (sea of stars theme). She is often lauded as the second coming of Kirschtaria Wodime! That lady is none other than Lia Reginastella!
*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*
Lia: "Thank you, thank you! Today marks the grand debut of I, the one and only, Lia Reginastella! The one that shall reach the top of the tops amongst magi!"
Hein: "Oh hello, Queen Bitch! Fancy seeing you here!
Lia: "*Sigh* Of course, you are here. Hein Portley, the self-proclaimed 'Neutralist'. You are but a thorn to all three factions. You deserve to be forgotten like the trash you are!"
Hein: "At least I got an appearance in the side stories. You don't."
Lia: "Hey! It's not my fault that the AUTHOR can't capture the BRILLIANCE that is I, the Alpha Leonis! Besides, you are created only to serve as fodder to your Homunculus and her Berserker. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Hein: "Damn that doll! If only I brought the other one, I could have had the chance to show off my skills in this HGW! All the other Masters would have their jaws agape once I unleashed my Curse Arts!"
Lia: "*Pfft* Loud bark from a loser! It didn't matter at all, because 'library on legs' does your job better. Heck, I bet that must be why a 'certain someone' asked his daddy to kick her out of the Clock Tower."
Hein: "Tch, yeah, yeah you're right. I was a jerk to her back then. That Japanese girl could have been a great asset to our faction, but oh well. The bridge has been burned. Anyway, that basically sums up my backstory. It's better than nothing, I suppose."
Lia: "Well I just wish that the AUTHOR can incorporate me in the story in some way or the other. Or you know, made a new fanfic in which I AM THE STAR OF THE SHOW?!"
Hein: "You got MC (read: villainess) potential. I don't."
Lia and Hein sighs deeply, drinking their sorrows away.

Scene 4
George Washington

Previously, on Scene 1:
(Freud: "Who are you?")
(Assassin: "A cowboy? Like the one in Western movies?")
Clive: "What do you mean you don't know? It's me, Clive Underside Gunheart!"
Freud: "Have we met before?"
Clive: "We just fought the other day! I'm the Master of Archer, remember?!"
Assassin: "Oh, that gun dude! But we haven't seen your face that time."
Freud: "Yeah. Tis a pleasure to finally meet you, Clive-dono."
Clive: "Oh, uh, nice to meet you too, 'Assassin', Hachijou. *Clears throat* Now then, I shall state my case; George Washington is an Archer."
Assassin: "You sure it's not your Archer bias speaking?"
Clive: "No. Think of Oda Nobunaga and Napoleon Bonaparte, the most famous historical figures in their home country. They both debuted as an Archer despite arguably having more qualifications to be a Rider."
Freud: "Rider, those who are the guiding light of their people. Archer, shoot things? Where relevance?"
Clive: "Therefore, George would have a rifle, riding on top of a giant, bald eagle that doubles as the famed Thunderbird while carrying the American flag!"
Assassin and Freud: "Wow."
Clive: "Then, for his NP, he also summons Paul Bunyan, Thomas Alva Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and all the other Founding Fathers to cheer and fight with him! I dubbed it: The Constitution of the United States: Keep the Flag Flying!"
*Ding!* *Ding! *Ding!*
Assassin: "Alright, time's up! That's the end of the session!"
Clive: "Wait! But I have more-"
Freud: "Show is over."
The curtain closes as the scene fades to black.

Scene 5
The Cast

Welcome to Fate/Remembrance! We got:
Dr. Michael Morbius!
Freud: "*Monotone* Haha, funny vampire man. How original…."
NOT Female Sieg!
Re: Anima: "Sieg who?"
Clive: "Why yes, I'm American. How can you tell?"
Chinese Tristan!
Hua Jin: "It's an honor to be compared with the likes of the Knights of the Round Table! I'll be delighted to-"
Modern Onna Bugeisha!
Yasaka: "Well, I…. Actually, you're right."
Shinji on drugs!
Koji: "WHA- Hello?! I'm better than Shinji in every way, thank you very much!"
And last, but certainly not least…..
Miss Librarian!
Tsuji: "I haven't appeared in the main story yet. Please be patient."
That's all folks! We'll see you in the next Omake if I know what kind of content I would add next. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised that I made it this far. The truth is: Fate/Remembrance was supposed to be made as more of a 'joke' fic, but the more I write and mull over the characters and the story, the more my temptation grows to add darker subjects (though it's still light hearted for the most part). After all, it's not really a Fate series without their mentally challenged individuals. The Servants don't play a huge role compared to the Masters, but their interactions with each other should be interesting, hopefully. The plot is not too deep and it will stay that way because I didn't want them to be too convoluted. I have 2 endings in mind, but to get there is the job of my functioning brain cells. Anyway, I appreciate all your support. I know that I'm not so creative; articulate; flowerful; etc-etc, with my choice of words, but I hope that this fic will be enjoyable to you readers out there. Thank you, really.
Lia: "*Ahem* You forgetting someone?"
Ah yes, Lia, the Master that didn't make it to the main story. Of course I remember you! I can't really add you in without being treated or seen as a Mary Sue. Sorry about that.
Lia: "*Smirks* What are you talking about? Who cares if I'm a Mary Sue, Gary Stu, or whatever it is that the pheasants complain about? I am Lia Reginastella! I WILL be the Number One! I DO deserve to stand among the pinnacle of the World of Magecraft! You are just afraid that you can't properly present my visage, my beauty, my elegance, my POWER, dear AUTHOR~"
Heh, you really are something else, Lia. But I can't have you drop kilotons of space rock on someone. NO WAY.
Lia: "What about dropping it onto the haters?"
Ah, that could work too. Just kidding, you ain't getting out of this Omake. Not now, maybe never?
Lia: "Hmph! But you can't deny what I can provide to the overall narrative! Very well then, I'm certain that one day, you will use me in a story, either as a MC, a side character or even a villain! And when you do, I will have the last laugh! Oh-hohohoho!"
Zip it, Chuuni Luvia. Well, I'll be going now! Bye!

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