Chapter 18 | Fact and Fiction

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Kōka 2, Month 4, Day 10


A certain Honjin

Rain, it rained heavily that night.

Raindrops muffled his footsteps and the creaking floor.

Most of the tenants have slept soundly.

No-one would notice the shadowy figure's murder, he thought.

Two steps, Four steps, Six steps, Eight steps.

He has arrived.

The 20th room has lights on, as if inviting him.

Seems like a trap, but there is no mistaking the sandalwood smell that permeates it.

His target is there.

??? POV

The door slides open.

A pudgy man was sitting there, lighting his incense.

"Found you... at last."

I quickly shut off the door.

He smiles "Samurai Killer. You made quite a name for yourself, huh, S■■a■■ ■■n■■■■? Or shall I say, White Hair-kun?"

"... So you admit it? You know who I really am? You killed proprietor-dono? You are aware of everything that has happened so far?"

The Samurai chuckles "Oh please, your precious proprietor can't even fight back when I choke him to death. I made sure of it, so there's no one else but you that can impersonate him, albeit as a vengeful 'ghost'."

"Why... did you kill proprietor-dono? Why must it be us that suffered due to this 'power struggle' that we are not involved with?"

The Samurai frowns "You're wrong, Samurai Killer. You two are but among the countless collaterals necessary to be sacrificed for the future of our nation. The increasing dissatisfaction among the masses led to us having to use a more 'heavy-handed approach', that includes: the acquisition of your proprietor's ryokan."

I took off my robes, revealing burn marks and scars across my body.

"You took our wealth, our home, our lives, EVERYTHING! And for what? What does our ryokan benefit to our 'future'? To line up your pockets? To fatten your superiors and subordinates' belly? Please, enlighten me on this?!"

He is confused "What's wrong with that?"


He twirls his katana "I see what I want and I take it. Lower caste people like you exist only to serve our bidding, enriching our lives so that we can look 'good' to our society. That's all there is to it."

I brought my dagger and pointed it to the pudgy man.

"... I have the slightest hope that you have a 'good' reason as to why you killed proprietor-dono. Hoping that there is at least some guilt and remorse in you, but you are simply, irredeemably vile just like the rest."

The Samurai is delighted as he unsheathes his sword "Then no words need to be said."

"Enough pretense. Time for you to meet your ancestors."

You do not deserve to live, samurai filth!

I charge at him, swinging my dagger haphazardly.


Anticipating the blow, he blocked my swing and attempted to kick my foot.



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