he moved in...

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My mom slam my door open and pull me out of my bed.

"M-mom, what do u wanttt!!" I barely manage to yell out while being dragged.

She stop and I look up. Then I saw a very (VERY) tall guy infront of me, he smile at me "hi" and  he wave at me.

He is soo good looking and he looks like a mature type, and I hate that type the most because im childish af and I  never get those peoples.

We sat down, my mom and him started chatting. And I'm there sitting clueless.

"Oh yeah, this is my daughter May" my mom introduced me to him.

"May, this is Dew the boy you're gonna stay with when im gone to the states" She introduced him to me.

Ohhhh so he is the guyyy!!

I make a "oh" face.

"and, I'm gonna leave to the states tonight" she say to me.


"Im sorry, I was about to tell you but I keep forgeting. Can you give me one last hug?" she pouted and fold out her arms.

"ofcourse" I hugged her.

"you need to take care of yourself when im gone ok?"

"Ofcourse I will"

She break the hug and turn to Dew, she hold his hands and say "Please take care of my daughter" then she take my hands and put it in his.

His hands were so soft and warm.

I bid a goodbye to my mom, and close the door.

Then I break down in tears, I've never been this far with my mom before. I was crying so hard that I forget there is dew beside me.

He hand a tissue to me. I take it and continue to cry. Holding the tears infront of my mom was soo hard but I manage to succeed it. I compliment myself for succeeding it and go to the kitchen. I climb on a stew and raise my hand to the highest storage drawer but fail. I'm over short...

"What are you getting? I can help you" I heard a voice behind me. It must be Dew.

"I'm getting something from that storage space" I point at the drawer.

"ok" and he open the drawer easily and take out the black plastic bag with bottles in it.

"I really need to grow taller" I sigh out.

He was about to look into the bag but I snatch it.

"alcohol?" he asked me while folding his hand and raising his one brow.

I awkwardly smile and say "no, why would I drink...its just a juice"

"then show me the bottles" he fold out his right hand infront of me.

"a-ahh I wanna sleep, its getting late you should go sleep too" then I almost walk out of the kitchen but he turn me around to his face and I loose my balance and I landed my back on the kitchen table with his face infront of me only a few centimeters away.

I gulp while looking into his eyes. After 2-3 minutes we break our eye contact and undo the way we're staying.

"can I drink with you?" he asked me out of blue.
We are at the balcony sitting beside each other while gazing at the sky with bottles of wine in our hands.

"Are you the one who bought these wine?" he asked me.

"yeah, Im kinda addicted to alcohol" I answer him.

"then why do you put it in a kitchen but not your room? and how do you even manage to put it in that drawer? it looks like you cant even reach it" he ask me.

"well, my mom always check my room 1 week one time because she dont trust me and she's scare that I might use drug, smoke or drink. Well she really is my mom, she does know me but except one thing...I dont use drug. And for the second question, do u just called me short? well, I'll still answer your question tho. When I put the bottles in the drawyer, I climbed on the basin and put it there, but its embarrassing to climb infront of you so I tried with the stew but im too short..." I answer him.

He looks like he's still processing what I spit at him.

"You smoke too!???" He asked me with a shocked face.

"yeah, but not everyday maybe only one week one time" I answer him.

"ok but why are you telling me this? it was suppose to be your secret right? and I might tell it back to your mom" he say to me with a confuse expression. Cute. TFF WHAT DID I SAYY.

"you wont say it to my mom, I trust you" I smile at him.

He smile back.

"you're the first one who trust me, thank you, for trusting me" he give me a warm smile.

"your welcome"

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