moments +flashback

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Its a weekend today so I was still sleeping and I drinked yesterday so its more good to sleep. Its currently 12am and I heard a knock on my door.

"M-May? come out and eat breakfast or something else I've been waiting for you since 8 with breakfast" I heard dew's voice from the other side of the door.

No wonder my mom chooses him to stay with me, he's just like her.

"okok, I'll come out" I reply to him.

"ok" and I heard footsteps walking away from my door.

I crawl to the bathroom and wash up.

After a few minutes I walk out of my room and sit on my kitchen chair.

"hmmm, smells good" I say to him but...He is staring at me with blank expression and a opened mouth.

"w-what?" I ask him.

"y-your clothes" He stutter.

"what do you mean my clothes-" I look down at my clothes and I was just wearing my bra and a short.

I immediately put my hands infront of my boobs and ran back to my room. Sooo fvcking embarrassingggg.

I slam my door close and scream with embarrassment. I grab an oversized t-shirt that is on my bed, probably the shirt I take out before sleeping yesterday.

I seize my confident and walk out of my room while pretending nothing has happened few minutes ago.

I sit on the kitchen chair for the second time. "whats for breakfast?" I ask him while trying to keep my cool.

"you wanna eat breakfast or lunch? because its already time for lunch" He asked me back while pretending nothing has happened a while ago too.

"I'll just eat breakfast because I always eat lunch at 3-4am in weekends" I answer him.

"ok" then he place the plates infront of me. "buttered toast and an egg with a glass of milk" and he place the glass beside the plates.

"ok, thanks" then I dig in the plate. "Hey, can you not stare at me? because I cant eat while being stared" I ask him after swallowing my first bite.

"o-oh, sorry. you're the first person who eat my cooking so I cant help but wait for your reaction of my cooking..." he answer me honestly.

"ohhhh, your cooking is good. 10 out of 10!" I say while raising my thumb. "is that even a cooking tho?" I ask him out of curiosity.

"its not much like a cooking but I made it for you soo..yeah" he answer me.

"ohhh ok" I make a "oh" face.
"Here, this is the money my mom just transfered for food, and this is your allowance" I hand the money to him.

"ohh, ok"

"so, I will go now" I turned my back at him and was about to walk but-

"wait" He stop me and I turn to him and ask if theres anything he need and he say "Can you come with me to shop for groceries? so you can witness that I use all of those money for food and not for my own or keep it for myself" He ask me.

"oh ok sure, but I dont agree to go with you because I don't trust you. Its just because Im bored" I say to him to make him not misunderstand.

"ok, I understand"
We're now shopping for groceries.
"What do you want to eat?" he asked me.

"Chicken!!" I answer him immediately.

"oh ok"
"we have extra money, so if you want some snacks buy it" He say to me.

"its ok, but....can you give me that money?" I ask him and blink twice at him.

"for what? if its for cigarettes or alcohol then I wont give it to you" he answer me.

"Its not for cigarettes or alcohol, so basically my favorite singer is gonna have a comeback soon and I accidentally preordered the album without remembering im broke" I give a salty smile to him.

"it looks like you're actually saying the truth, so I'll give it to you" he gave me the extra money.

"awww you're the bestt" I squeeze his cheeks and take the money.

Dew looks shock from what May did to him but he is looking at May who is admiring the money he gaved to her while smiling at her. He had never feel comfortable with someone he just knew this much. He feel like he's safe around May and never wanna leave her side.

Last night when May was crying, He wanna keep her safe and never make her cry ever again. He wanna protect her, not because of may's mom ask him to. But because of his heart who is making him to and after knowing a little about May...He wanna get to know her more. He glance at May every 5 minutes when they're drinking last night and he was the one who bring May back to her room.


Dew carry May who is half asleep from the balcony's bench to her room. He enter her room and notice how messy it is, things are all scatter on the floor and she have a big shelf full with albums. Her desk is full with her school books and an empty plastic milk tea bottles. He laid her on her matress and burry her with the bedsheet. He was about to stand up and go out of the room but May pull him from his shoulder to her side and hug him tight. "M-May" He tried to get out of her arm but he can't. So he laid on the matress beside her. May is facing the cealing and he was facing the left side of her face. Then May turn to her left and accidentally touch Dew's lip with her lip. Dew's eyes widen and he get out of May's arm after few minutes of freezing with May's lip attach to his. "I-" He touch his lip and run out of the room.

ahehehehheh 😃

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