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"By the way, how is you and Nani? Do you guys already date?" Mita ask before stuffing more chips in her mouth while laying on my matress beside me.

ahh, I forget to tell her about it.
"Actually, I realized that I don't really likes him" I tell her.

She turns her head at me instantly, leaving her phone hanging and she slightly smirks at me and said "you found a new guy doesn't you?"

Idk why but I thought of Dew when she said that like wtffff. I'm currently lost in my own thoughts not being able to open my mouth for words, then she yell out "Don't tell me what I thought is actually truth!?"

"NO ITS NOT!" I scream with panic after getting back in my senses.

Mita flinched and fell down on the floor with a big force gaining a loud bang.

We both freezes at what happened then we heard knockings on the door with a voice following the knocks.

"May? What happen!? Are you hurt? Hello!? Please answer mee!! Can I come in!? I'm sorry but I'll come in, ok? May?" Then Dew burst into my room with worried expression drawn at his face. His worried expression turns into confusion after he saw both of us.

Third person pov

3 of them are sitting on the living room couch right now while explaining Mita about Dew's existence in May's apartment just now.

Mita hum in understandment and smack May's head, the smack echoes the whole apartment with it's loud voice.

Dew's dark eyes widen in shock after seeing Mita's action toward May, He was about to check May but he was stopped by a sudden voice from Mita.

"Why you don't tell me about this!? You Bitch" She curses with dissapointment.
"Are we even bestfriends!?" tears started to pure out of her eyes.

May looks at Mita and starts crying too.
"I-I'm sorry"

Dew is speechless with cufusion filling his mind, his thoughts are full with questions right now.

What made him more confuse is when the 2 bestfriend starts laughing....

May and Mita starts laughing and beats each other while taking turns.

"w-what just happened?" Dew stutter with full confusion.

The bestfriend turns their heads at him and high five each other with a smirk.

"We are making up another drama" May explains him.

"So, Mita wasn't dissapointed?" He asks them.

"yes, why would I be disapointed? I know my bestfriend is so forgetful" she answer dew to only gain a smack from May.

sorry for short part :(

Roommates • Dew Jirawat Where stories live. Discover now