faded light

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Rivet's P.O.V

It has been a wild week with Emporeor Nefarious dethroned and the Dimenstionator being fixed as well. Almost all the rifts had been stabilized and I actually find another lombax. In Ratchet's case he mentioned lorbs which were housed in lombax statues that meantioned his father which was a surprise and made me hopeful we could actually find the others and they would accept us.

Ratchet wanted to find the lombaxes but, i've been around him enough to know he had nobody to go back to when we found the others. His parents were gone and im starting to figure out he found someone else that was technically family who he likely witnessed die though he doesn't talk about them. I hate to admit it but, im worried for him and I know Kit and Clank are too.

The light of determination has faded from Ratchet's eyes for a while now and none of his hobbies seems to be cheering him up. I need to approach bolts and see if he had any other ideas to cheer up Ratchet because seeing him depressed is very upsetting. I want to help where I can and I'm hoping I will be what he needs.

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