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Alister's P.O.V

Seeing so many silhouettes of our kind was a bit overwhelming but, also heartwarming considering I haven't seen so many sense the first attack Tachyon constructed and thought I'd never see so many again. On this side we are considered indangred and our kind is basically unknown to the newer generations.

Rivet and Ratchet were frozen in place with tears in their eyes before they seemed to relize they were both crying and turned to each other and hugged. Both with obvious relief on their faces. I smiled and could see the shadows look towards the two and seemed confused before clapping. When I was given the que to temporarily hide by Clank I didn't fight and got a safe distance with a sort of wall barrier in case some wanted a piece with me.

Ratchet's P.O.V

When I broke from the hug with Rivet I realized that we needed to try ushering the lombaxes on the other side to our side and so I wrote a note that Alister helped me translate into lombaxian a little bit ago before using a little force to push it forward so that it got to the other side. I could see the crowd back up slightly in surprise before a shorter one came forward and picked it up. I could vaguely hear then reading the note in a language I had very little knowledge of before seeing a thumbs up and a gesture to back up.

Me and Rivet as well as Clank and Kit did so and each lombax that was willing came forward while those that were weary stayed back. I didn't fault them in the slightest especially sense the one we are facing literally massacred several including my parents and Rivet's mom. I understood the hesitation and it was probably a good idea to keep most of them hidden like the communicator sent.

Those that did come through looked around and tried to get some semblance of the location and current conditions while others seemed to have sensed Alister despite him not being visible and were audibly angry. I'm assuming they were one of the few that know what happened fully while the others looked to be a few years older than myself and Rivet.

That meaning they likely didn't know the whole story as by then they were already sent through before the original craigmite attack happened. One thing I did notice which made me a bit upset is these lombaxes were much taller then me and Rivet which confirmed something that almost everyone that knew even a little on lombaxes were right. Me and Rivet's growth was stunted due to not getting the food or necessary care we needed to grow a normal height.

When I looked again the area was silent as Alister decided to show himself when one of the older adults stomped on his tail forcing him to come out. Before I could even react I heard a rather loud growl louder then the others before suddenly Rivet had moved in front of Alister blocking off any others from attacking and I knew I had to make myself known before things got out of hand. Tachyon was only a few hours away and if things kept going this way we'll all be toast.

I decided to hit the wall with my omniwrench causing enough vibration in the wrench to make a loud ringing sound go through the area we were in which quickly got everyone looking in my direction before several ears went down. I already knew why as my dad was renowned though the sheer number of how many seemed to know him in the crowd was shocking. Out of respect I let the room stay silent as I could tell many were trying to comprehend that I, Kaden's son who they likely thought didn't make it was indeed alive and mostly well and to allow a few moments of silence so they could silently pay respects to those that had been lost however as some stared after they were done had actually made me uncomfortable as they seemed to be finding all the scars on my body and though I knew it could just be a subconscious thing there was a sudden phantom pain like fire spreading across my chest area but, I chose to try ignoring it.

Clank's P.O.V

Just hearing the area go silent and a sense of sadness seeming to fill in the space was uncomfortable though like Ratchet I have a feeling I know why but, what concerned me was that Ratchet seemed to be getting a bit uncomfortable with the others finding his visible scars and then seemed to be in pain from a unknown source however when he glaced down I instantly knew what was going on. Despite my best efforts I knew this would happen. Ratchet was dealing with what Rivet called phantom pain which she explained is when you felt as if something was still there when it no longer was like with her arm.

Despite it not being a amputation incident Ratchet was feeling the heat from the killing blow that Alister launched out of anger despite time being reversed to save Ratchet's life his body still remembers that something wasn't right at one point. I walked over trying to be as quiet as possible which seemed to work before I tapped Ratchet's leg coaxing him to look down and partially to distract him from the phantom pains he was going through.

Ratchet's look told me everything without words and I could tell he was getting self conscious but, was allowing the lombaxes to have a few moments of silence to pay respect to those that had been lost including his dad before telling them the information he needed to. The coming news will likely unlock past memories and I knew Rivet and Ratchet would have to try blocking oncoming attacks.

Rivet's p.o.v

When Ratchet hit the wall with his omniwrench I admittedly jumped and could feel my body subconsiously tense up. When I relized it had just been Ratchet trying to get everyone's attention I relaxed but, only slightly as I made my way towards where my dad Alister was still keeping himself mostly hidden and not the center of attention for obvious reasons. I could tell he was nervous despite his eyes having a rather determined look and giving a thumbs up indicating he was ready when the time came to finally reveal himself.

Now knowing a bit more on what happened made me a bit upset but, I knew he had only done it to try helping his fellow kind and this Tachyon had ruined everything. It honestly surprised me that such a small creature could cause so much discord when he had the right help and it was time to put a end to it or he would come back. One thing was certain we needed to survive this attack first and I personally hope in doing this some of Ratchet's mental pain would be lifted.

Ratchet's P.O.V

"Here goes nothing. It was time to give more details about the situation effecting our dimension and the other lombaxes's dimension"

"Hello everyone my name is Ratchet, I am the son of the late pretorian guard member Kaden. I hope to go into better details in the future on how I found out however both our dimensions are under the threat of a enemy that we have all dealt with. I know this is sudden and I know we have just met but, the threat effecting both areas is none other then Percival Trachyon"

Several in the crowd visibly tensed however the ones that hadn't had to know the details had a look of recognition of the name but, not the understanding of just how devastating the original attack had been sense they were either too young or weren't born yet at the time.

"I wish we could of met on better terms but the threat in your dimension is originating in this one."

"Tachyon is wanting to finish what he started and I understand if some of you want to head back I don't know what our numbers are now but, in this dimension there are only four of us. Our species is considered endangered here and I know this will upset many but, most of the people here had never heard of lombaxes until I and three others made ourselves known."

"One is from another dimension that has recently been relieved of their evil ruler and her name is Rivet, One is m.i.a but, I have a feeling she is likely still around and her name is Angela and the final one will show themselves later. For the time being however I must inform everyone that Tachyon is moving fast and has a army forming quickly. This will be the only chance to head back before it becomes dangerous and deadly. There isn't much I can offer but, how many have at least four weapons ranging from short to long distance and emergency nanotech?"

Everyone rose their hand which honestly surprised me but, it was nice to know all lombaxes had the mind set to be prepared for anything including a emergency plan. It was time to make a attack plan I just hope we can figure it out within a couple hours.

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