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3rd Person P.O.V

About three days had gone by before Ratchet's injuries showed signs of healing though regular changes of his bandages were still required. Ratchet would occasionally still stumble though his pain had gotten bearable. Rivet and ratchet help each other as Ratchet continues to have vivid nightmares though with help from Alister, Ratchet is able to calm down.

The nightmares repeatedly involved everyone Ratchet had grown attached to dying in a constant loop with him unable to do anything about it. In the real world everyone was getting concerned and subconsciously became more aware of their surroundings.

Ratchet's P.O.V

These nightmares continue to drain my energy. I haven't slept more than four hours a night and it's taking its toll on me. I'm exhausted, barely have the energy to do basic tasks and was jumpy. I'm honestly getting concerned that something is coming and despite just being revived not too long ago Alister is getting the same feeling. Rivet was growing concerned for both of us as well as our friends. It could be something as small as a storm or possibly the return of an old enemy. I had doubts that the craigmite would be back though it wasn't off the table. The memories from that particular part in my life urked me to no end. If it is indeed Tachyon returning then we don't stand a chance. I barely won against him last time. None of us are ready for a return of Tachyon especially Rivet sense she has no clue who he is as she was from a different dimension and though Alister had just been revived and healed up he was no where near at peak performance and won't be for a while yet.

I myself doubted I could beat him in my current state as it was and I could see in everyone's eyes that they were concerned about my ability to fight a full on battle with the crazy craigmite. Getting older can suck and the abuse my body has gone through has left me with permanent damage. My endurance has gone down, my back was almost always sore though I refused to tell Clank that as he would be almost like a mother hen and I knew Rivet would get more concerned than she already was.

None of my friends and small family needed to know. I would seek them out if absolutely nessary but, preferred not to get others involved. I know I'm being stubborn but, I need to prove to myself that I'm still capable of protecting the galaxy as talwyn had given up fighting after she lost Cronk and Zephyr though picked up where her father left off. Whatever is coming our way please let it be something minor.

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