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*Two Weeks later*

*Alister's P.O.V*

Ratchet and Rivet had been doing better and their injuries had healed fully which both were more then relieved about. The two had been really energetic as they versed each other in hooverbooting with me keeping watch as I was mostly recovered as well.

It has been agreed upon that if Rivet and Ratchet wanted time outside they had to have a look out just in case of threats. Needless to say there hadn't really been any threats besides snakes and the occasional lizard so the two had decided to go to a harder area to traverse with their hooverboots to the annoyance of myself though it was primarily from protectiveness. I had just gotten my daughter back as well as Kaden's son who I had sworn to find and protect after finding out he was alive though I knew my actions in the past would say otherwise. Clank when he wasn't busy had watched me like a hawk for about a week before he had eased up relizing I wasn't planning on hurting either lombax and seen just how protective I had become as my focus was no longer the clock and had actually handed the notes over to Clank for safe keeping after ensuring he did actually put them into a highly protected area when I had explained the notes had been Kaden's.

Though Sigmund had been made the senior caretaker Clank would leave every two days through a teleport to help Sigmund with maintenance of the clock. I never had to ask him about how the anomalies were going as he would always tell about them. Me and Clank were making progress though it was slow but, I didn't mind. Any positive progress was good progress in my opinion. Soon enough the sun was going down though Ratchet and Rivet hadn't gotten back which worried me though I had to remind myself they were both capable of keeping themselves safe and likely had just gotten side tracked with their race though a nagging feeling was telling me differently. Soon enough Rivet had returned though she was alone and seeing her alone had caused fear to set in before I climbed down and went to meet up with her as quickly as I could.

Rivet's P.O.V

It was hard to stay in place as Alister climbed down to meet up with me as I wanted to get back to Ratchet as soon as possible. Ratchet's hooverboots had malfunctioned on the way back causing him to crash and injure his leg making him unable to walk. His leg luckily wasn't broken however he was unable to stand as a nasty cut had made it too painful to do so. I would of brought him back but, him being his stubborn self had insisted that he would be able to get back he just needed a few minutes. Knowing he actually wouldn't be able to do so without making his leg worse I had told him to stay put and went to get help and my dad was the nearest person to go to. As I explained the situation my dad had gotten a first aid kit as we didn't have nanotech on hand before asking me to lead the way and we both hooverbooted over. As we got closer I could see Ratchet had indeed been making his way back though very slowly as he had switched out his hooverboots for his regular ones and was hopping on one foot to avoid using the injured leg though a trail of blood was behind him. My ears had gone down and so did Alister's before we both went over to scold him me as a concerned friend and Alister who was obviously protective had repremended him with a flick on one of Ratchet's ears.

I didn't get mad at Alister for doing that as I was thinking on doing the same thing though I was planning on flicking his nose instead. I wish mr.hotshot would listen to his friends sometimes but, I guess that will happen eventually I just hope it won't take a near death experience to get him to relize it. As Alister picked Ratchet up bridal style to avoid irritating his leg I couldn't hold back a snicker as we got back to a stone slab before Alister put Ratchet down to clean and bandage his leg. Ratchet in turn had hissed in pain clenching his teeth which was hard for me to look at. I hate seeing Ratchet in pain though I knew it had to be done and after it was cleaned Alister had removed his gloves as to not get more dirt in the injury and carefully applied a decent sized guaze with extra absorption so it didn't soak through as fast before wrapping Ratchet's leg with the bandage. After that Alister picked him back up and we headed home.

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