Comfortable Company

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Rivet's P.O.V

Being pulled into a sudden hug had startled me though I quickly relaxed slightly however I soon realized Ratchet was shaking horribly with fear and knew I had to do something to help calm him so I had rubbed circles into his back much like the morts did when I was a child. The effect took hold shortly after as his shivering slowly subsided and was replaced with tiredness as he had fallen asleep shortly after. I had decided right then that I would stay put and stay in the corner with him as he slept as he was is no shape to be moved right now. Clank looked to me in appreciation while Kit had looked to me with a gentle smile and went to get us a blanket.

In the opposite room I could hear my dad and Talwyn talking and though they tried staying somewhat quiet I could tell they were talking about their different interactions with Ratchet. Alister's tone of voice was easily tinged with regret for what he had done in the past which in turn got Talwyn giving him a lecture about it being in the past but, like Clank she would be keeping watch on him. Alister didn't try to make a comeback and simply said "ok Miss Apogee".

Hearing Alister call Talwyn by her last name surprised me though it made sense he would know it considering Ratchet and talwyn have meantioned her own father had been studying the lombax species and at one point may have been business partners. There is so much I have missed sense I was dealing with the Empourer for several years and to be honest I felt lost.

I know I will never be able to fully understand what happened in Ratchet's dimension though that didn't mean I was going to give up on finding out more. I wanted to learn more about my potential life partner and the differences in our dimensions so I could understand him and this dimension better though I knew it would be a somewhat slow learning period especially after how he literally screamed from whatever was in his nightmare. The way he reacted made my chest hurt especially sense it had been me, Clank and Kit who he brought into the hug which to me meant the nightmare involved us. It was about five minutes later when Kit returned with a blanket with help from Clank as it was a weighted blanket which I've actually had experience with because of the Morts. It had been a gift from them when I had turned thirteen and it had been really nice to have though it burned up in the seekerpedal attack.

When the two got close I had thanked them before taking it and carefully layed it over me and Ratchet who had started purring which had caught me off guard though only for a few seconds before I added my own to match his rhythm. All tension had left us both before I layed back and joined Ratchet in sleep unaware that my father and talwyn were gently smiling seeing the scene before alister went forward and had carefully picked us both up and took us into Ratchet's room and layed us down and had said quietly "rest well you two" before shutting the door gently and heading back to bed himself.

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