Looking For The Enemy

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(AN: the image is my oc rex)

3rd Person P.O.V

About two hours had passed sense the initial team of Tachyon's scouts had been killed and soon after a small group of lombaxes that included Rex teamed up with Rivet and Ratchet. They went out to scout to see if any other troops may have arrived. As the group looked around Alister, Clank, Kit and the others that didn't go with Ratchet and Rivet remained in the hideout getting ready to move into battle at the first message.

It was a uncomfortable silence in the hideout as everyone was keeping their distant from alister except for Mags who was the only one that seems somewhat comfortable around him. Alister looked obviously hurt but, he also had a look that made it known that he knew he deserved it. In the background, Clank was talking with Kit as she was wondering what she could do to help with the war efforts and Clank responded

"be there for Rivet and the team that gets assigned to her. I will be with Ratchet as I usually am, though he will be on the side lines taking the post of sniper with Mags and Rex so he doesn't tax his body more then needed."

"Even with nano tech he's no longer able to perform at his peak like he once did. In as nice of words as I can ratchet's body is fighting him and has been for a few years now. Ever sense the clock incident he hasn't been able to heal as fast as he once could. After this I have a feeling Ratchet and Rivet may become life partners. Ratchet and I both understand you and Rivet will eventually have to go back to your home dimension to take care of things, but we will be here for when you return."

As soon as Clank finished talking Kit hugged him and said.

"I will do my best to protect Rivet. I know the fight will be hard but, luckily the chip that Empourer Nefarious used was able to be removed so my control is my own and not his. I won't be forced to kill if I chose not to however I will make this current threat regret showing up to hurt our family."

A look of determination crossed Kit's face before she and Clank shook hands and just as they finished a call came through on Mag's holo-communicator and everyone went to him.

/Video call/

/this is Rivet calling base camp. the enemy camp is about 180 ft from our hideout. Me and the scouting team are about 40 ft from it hiding behind a cliff side so we aren't spotted however the group here is massive. From what I can see there are valkry, several lizard mercenary who are called goons for less here, about 30 grunthors which are currently caged as well as several craigmite variants according to ratchet/

/Unfortunely that's just what we can see on the ground there are at least 150 massive ships on top of everything else though not sure if they are attack or backup. Me and Ratchet have ships however neither have enough ammo to take down this many ships unless we make them land into each other which looks possible if we time our hits right./

/"The Only issue is the minute we attack, it will cause a barrage of multiple collisions which could make it hard to see the enemy. We'll make our way back to the hideout so we can think of a plan where we can't be heard and make sure we aren't spotted along the way. Rivet out."/

Alister's P.O.V

Everyone back at the hideout were now nervous though several wanted to grab their ships to help which was a good idea however the portal would be spotted easily as the ships would need enough space to fly in. What I failed to remember was that Mags himself had used the dimensonator to explore other universes and likely had to use a ship a couple times to get around faster so when the group came back maybe Mags could explain how we could get ships here without being detected. We just had to wait till ratchet and the others returned and hopefully nobody spots them before hand.

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