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Alister's P.O.V

I was honestly stunned that Ratchet is willingly hugging me considering what happened two years prior could of easily killed him. Why is he giving me a second chance and why does the female lombax look almost exactly like my daughter before the attack? Is it possible she survived with the others? If so Orvus is giving me a chance to be a actual dad too. Would she recognize me or even remember me? She had only been about 2 months when Tachyon had betrayed us all and attacked.

*Alister's flashback*

My wife had managed to get our kit off planet when the first escape portal had opened leading into a different dimensional version of Sargasso at the start of the craigmite invasion.

It had only took five minutes before all hell had broke loose as a bunch of bombs had destroyed nearly half the city in one fell swoop shortly after. As the bombs dropped Kaden had ran to save his wife and child and I had ran after him to try fighting along side him like we had in the past knowing it was basically a suicide mission. The response I got however when I got close was a violent punch and then snarled at as Kaden had yelled at me not to be anywhere near him or he would personally kill me before Tachyon had the chance then continued running to save his wife and child.

Hearing that threat had scared me however I still fought the craigmite swarm to keep them off Kaden's trail. I would try to give us a fighting chance as I had held hope that Kaden would get to escape and be with his family as he deserved it. As I fought I could hear and see various portals open one by one letting waves of lombaxes through but, I was forbidden to follow.

The council and basically all the lombaxes had decided without issue to leave me behind when they made their escape which ensured I wouldn't get to be anywhere near my daughter and wife again who had already gone through with the other females and their kits at the first sign of a threat however a few had stayed behind and had asked ahead of time if some of the females that didn't have children but wanted one would be willing to take their kits and raise them as there own so some of the young kits would likely never see their birth mom or dad again unless they got out of here.

the second wave had been fathers and mothers that had survived the first wave and wanted to be with their families. they had run past the gaps of the enemies I had taken down but, not before they made sure to spit curses at me before leaving through the portal to safety to join up with their families however as groups of them ran past I hadn't see kaden, his wife or their child amoung them which had sent a shard of ice through my chest.

It was only after the last of the lombaxes in this section were evacuated and the wave of enemies were killed that I had ran towards where they lived only to see Kaden's house in flames with Kaden watching it as he held a bundle of blankets protectivly in his arms however I didn't see his wife with him which sent pure sadness through my whole body knowing without being close that Kaden's mate was gone.

As I was about to give my condolences Kaden had slowly gotten to his feet before running to his ship and without even waiting he had taken off but just before the hatch closed I could see tear tracks through his dusty fur and that was the last I saw kaden alive.

Rivet's P.O.V

I had gone to check in on Ratchet and the general however what I didn't expect when opening the door was alister rubbing Ratchet's ears gently while the general himself seemed caught in memories and not fond ones if his shaking shoulders were any indication. I wasn't sure if I should approach or not but, decided to throw caution to the wind and went to be by Ratchet and Alister. Ratchet had looked my way with a honestly heart breaking look. Ratchet was never one that could handle emotionally break downs of others and when he was confronted with them he would try his best to comfort them though it usually effected him too.

That's one thing I had grown to love about Ratchet. He cared for others even if it didn't have payoff. His main focus was to get whoever he was helping through whatever it may be. Heck he's letting the General pet his ears to get him through whatever memories had surfaced despite what happened in the past. How could you not love or take a liking to him if he was this selfless?

As I came over and joined in hugging Alister and the familiar feeling came back as I looked at his arm relizing just why he was so familiar. His markings looked like one of my own. It was a conjoined stripe on my normal arm at the top though the rest became solid diamond shaped the rest of the way down while Alister's stayed consistent with the same pattern all the way down.

His scent had also been vaguely familiar and it didn't match with Ratchet's own which seemed strange that I'm able to locate him by smell. I had assumed it was normal and Ratchet had confirmed that he was able to find me the same way when we got seperated almost like a child located there parents by how they looked. As I kept close I could tell alister had started getting out of his memories as he had registered me being there too and pet my ears at the sensitive spot that always made me purr.

It could of been a lucky guess but, I doubted it however I really didn't mind especially if he was who I had thought he was. The general himself seemed to suddenly get watery eyes all over again however it was one of relief and judging by how Ratchet seemed to have figured it out he had smiled and left the room leaving me and Alister be. Alister had tentively said my name in a questioning voice as if he was afraid and at my confirmation I had been pulled into a really strong hug before I had said. "I am here dad".

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