Last chapter: the final battle (p.2)

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*Clank's P.O.V*

I don't get angry often but, this time my anger was personal. Nobody messes with my best friend or anyone I consider an ally and gets away with it. Now that I have the capability to fight with my sceptor in hand and the zoni who I would protect as best as I could I stood a bit more of a chance now then when I was just created. In the back of my mind I hoped Ratchet and Rivet would be ok however I had no clue if they'd wake anytime soon and for kit I could see her emerging from the rocks and though scuffed up she was not injured which gave me relief.

Behind me alister and several of the others had circled around me with their chosen weapons as a chorus of various growls could be heard from all of them however my sensors soon picked up on Tachyon's laughter before he shrieked "attack them!! leave none alive and leave the elder and the young ones to me!!"

*Rex's P.O.V*

The second those words were said the army surged forward while the craigmite fell back which caused alister to go into a almost berserk state after realizing where Tachyon was heading and single-handedly destroyed about 100 enemies with a linked eletric attack using their own armor against them. Shortly after he looked to us and seemed to ask if he can go after the craigmite and nearly everyone gave the ok before he kicked on his hooverboots and went behind the cave to head towards Tachyon and the small army he took with him.

As he hooverbooted away I saw him break open a emergency nano canister directly on his injured shoulder allowing some movement back to it and then he quickly switched to his dominant hand and was already charging an attack. Even from here I could tell he was pissed. His growl reverberated off the wall and the sound of electricity countinued to get louder before it was suddenly released and had hit a solid object followed by Tachyon's annoying scream.

*Alister's P.O.V*

Hitting Tachyon's throne and sending him flying off of it and on to the ground was beyond satisfying though I hadn't forgotten why I chased after him in the first place and realized I had only seconds to grab Ratchet and Rivet before they fell off the cliff and to a very nasty fall they wouldn't come back from. Using what adrenaline I had I managed to pull the throne back onto the ledge though even then it was a balancing act.

The ledge we were on was starting to crack under the combined weight of the throne and myself as I pulled on the claws before I relized that it wasn't loosening. In desperation I grabbed out the cryomine and stuck one about a foot from the claw holding Rivet and Ratchet before sending my wrench down on it shattering the connection. In doing so the claw finally loosened and allowed me to grab the two kits before I kicked on my hooverboots to get us a safe distance from the ledge that finally broke. The last thing I heard was Tachyon's screams plummeting below and then his army retreating. Hearing this I desperately hoped that they all would leave and that Tachyon was finally gone though a nagging feeling told me that there was more to come as it always does.

Despite that feeling being present I needed to get Ratchet and Rivet checked out and see how many were hurt outside the cave after the battle. When I arrived tiredness finally hit but, I forced myself to stay awake to get the two to a room away from anywhere with easy access to them and the nurses took over while I went out to help grab those injured only when I got there everyone was fine except for a few with light scrapes. What caught my attention was the fact that scorch marks were present and a giant yellow bot was watching something in the distance. When I got closer I quickly recognized the bot to be rivet's companion kit by the bulbs on her head and right next to her was Clank with the zoni still lingering to repair what damage they could on him which wasn't much luckily.

It was obvious that the line of Tachyon's soldiers were mostly made up of goons for less members, pyro-spinners, some dryphoids and various others that I relized had a bit of a bone to pick with us lombaxes as various bodies matching the physical proportions of said enemies were scattered everywhere though one enemy in particular that I recognized all too well was pinned under Rex's own wrench that he grabbed when the battle started.

In front of me was none other than Tachyon again however he was so banged up I had no clue how he even got back up to where we all were and was still living though that didn't stem my anger and do to his fool hardiness I could personally kill the bastard and I was not going to show him any mercy. He killed so many and he didn't deserve saving. He was given three chances and he failed every single one and because of it Ratchet's parents are dead, rivet's mother is dead, fastoon was left in ruin and he had forced the lombaxes to leave this dimension for nearly thirty years.

As I walked over Tachyon gave me that "spare me" look that I've grown not to trust because I knew it was simply a facáde and when he relized I wasn't buying it that look of fear was back though I paid it no mind and had gotten out my own wrench charging it. Rex being able to sense the sheer anger coursing through me had backed away and gave a nod signaling that I could finish Tachyon off myself and went to the others to avoid the brutality that was about to ensue.

Those that were able to somewhat stomach what was about to happen remained and with one final look at Tachyon who held his gaze with mine I brought my wrench down around his chest and sent the full force of the eletric blast in killing him instantly. In the background I faintly saw several lombax spirits from the exodus look to me, give a collective "thank you" before they all disappeared with smiles on their faces though I realized three spirits were not present. Soon I heard shuffling before I saw Ratchet and Rivet who had woken though heavily bandaged and smelled of burn ointment being propped up by two nurses each and right beside them were Kaden, his wife and my wife next to them.

Ratchet and Rivet seemed aware enough that they had smiles on their faces and seemed to be quietly talking to their respective parents which seemed to confuse the nurses though I gave a smile of my own as I was able to see them as well before all three thanked me and with one final "we love you and hope you two will live happily together if or when that time comes that you two make it official" before they too were gone as they followed the others.

As soon as Ratchet and Rivet saw this they both had cleary wanted their parent or parents in Ratchet's case to stick around just a little longer but, seemed to understand that they couldn't and so they had waved upward which made everyone except for myself confused but that smile they both had on their faces was a sign they would both be ok.

(A/N: I do plan on a sequel for this but it may be a bit as I try to upload more chapters for my other fanfics and thank you to those that have read this one it Is greatly appreciated)

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