Emergeny Surgery

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The make shift med area was chaos as the doctors and nurses tried getting what they could rounded up while Alister kept pressure on Ratchet's chest wound and was beyond thankful Ratchet's armor had blocked the majority of the hit though the wound was still deep. Ratchet himself had already gotten nanotech administered though it only stitched up a small amount of the wound and had been hooked to a breathing mask that was surprisingly still good due to how it had been stored before everything went south but, even with it on Ratchet still struggled to breath on his own.

Despite knowing the doctors were trying to get their supplies as quickly as they could Alister's panic had set in again when Ratchet suddenly started coughing and in turn made Alister temporarily lose his hold on the wound though he quickly got the towel back into place while Ratchet yanked off the mask unconsciously and though half awake spat out a small amount of blood onto the ground which wasn't a good sign. When Ratchet sat back again he had managed to open his eyes though soon winced as his senses started to come back before seemingly sensing alister and looking in his general direction with slightly unfocused eyes.

Alister's P.O.V

Relizing Ratchet was having trouble focusing proved to me that he had lost a decent amount of blood and if we didn't hurry he would pass away which left a heavy feeling in my heart knowing that I could lose my nephew for good and there would be nothing I could do and I would end up failing the task Orvus had given me despite having a second chance and I knew I wouldn't get another shot. My daughter as well as everyone that had become friends with Ratchet through the years would be distraught if he dies especially with how young he is.

In the other room Rivet had managed to calm herself after a bit and had entered the make shift med room with Clank and Kit though when she saw Ratchet on the cot her resolve seemed to falter. She started to back up looking ready to run back into the other room to get away from the smell of blood and the sight in front of her however on the cot Ratchet despite being in worse shape then anyone had asked if she and the other two were ok despite him being the one everyone was concerned about. She and the other two had responded reluctantly saying they were ok which seemed to help Ratchet relax which in turn got him to lay back enough where the injury wasn't at risk of bleeding more and allowed me to put the breathing mask back on without a fuss.

This kid was stubborn much like Kaden used to be however he knew when he needed to back down and relax as best he could in this situation. I knew without a doubt in the back of my mind Kaden, Ratchet's mother as well as Orvus were likely watching from above with metaphorically baited breath hoping Ratchet made it. As I was thinking that the doctors returned with bandages, stitching thread and skin safe wet wipes and after ensuring the oxygen from the breathing mask was still at a good level they had started to work on the painful process of cleaning and stitching the wound closed though luckily Ratchet was asleep again.

Mags had advised me and Rivet to give the medics some space to work more effectively and quickly though I was asked to stay till the wound was cleaned up and stitched enough that it wouldn't bleed out more then it already had. Despite hating the feeling of Ratchet's blood on my hands I had stayed put.

The medics as expected were just as fast and effective as they were back during the exodus which saved several from certain death. Within three minutes the wound had been carefully stitched up allowing no room for infection before I was asked to remove my hands and the towel which they put in a older looking bio bag for obvious reasons before they stitched up the wound the rest of the way. When the wound was wrapped up securely Ratchet's breathing had started to level out. Now we just had to hope his body could start recovering from the blood loss as blood bags with lombaxian blood were non existent as far as I knew.

After making sure Ratchet was stable enough Rivet was given the ok and she was by Ratchet's side almost instantly though diligently avoided looking at the bandages for the time being and held Ratchet's hand reassuring him she was there. The effect was almost instant as Ratchet's hand tightened around her's and though very subtle his tail twitched a bit left and right showing he was happy to know she was near.

The doctors and nurses as well as myself went to clean our hands with hand washing wipes as there was no running water here and the nearest water source was several planets away. By now I was itching to kill Tachyon now but, doing so spelled certain death and I knew I won't get a third chance if I die to him. The armor I wear may have upgraded tech and several fancy attachments but, I don't think it has the power to bring back the dead a third time.

Rivet's P.O.V

It wasn't hard to see that my dad wanted to kill that screeching psychopath and though I've only been able to hear his voice and just barely see what he looked like I'm the same way as this guy gives off just as strong of a suffocating vibe as my Empourer Nefarious and it was infuriating. Knowing Ratchet fought this guy at one point and won gave me some confidence though it was overshadowed by the fact that this exact same guy killed off nearly all of our species except for the few that survived. It was clear as well that he was stronger as I could feel it roll off him in waves and the goons that remained had made sure to move out of his way when they retreated.

While the others went to get cleaned up I continued to hold Ratchet's hand as he slept and actually took a second to actually look down at the bandages and ended up seeing even more scarring that was very visible now due to his fur being slightly parted by the bandages. Despite my better judgment I very lightly touched one that was just above the bandages though quickly relizing it was much more jagged then the rest and instantly knew it was the one that Clank had reversed. Knowing this I instantly stopped touching it as that could trigger the memory that had seemingly been erased from existing could come back full force throwing Ratchet into a crisis.

I don't know the rules of time altering except that it is in most cases very dangerous and I don't want to know the full extent of what it could do. That would throw me into so much confusion that I would lose my sanity much like what I think happened to my father from his constant research into the matter.

What I do know is that Ratchet lost his family because of Tachyon's greed for power and all three of us lombaxes that are still alive and had remained had lost our home to ruin and war. I knew Ratchet's father had remained to fight Tachyon to give baby Ratchet the best chance of not being followed to where Kaden as I've figured out from many different talks I've heard in the past had sent him.

That's the one thing I wish Ratchet could of gotten was to at least have one person of his biological blood family alive like I do. It will always be hard to accept that if me and Ratchet do get more serious in our relationship he won't have his dad to guide him or give him advice and he won't ever know what his mom looked like unless my own dad had some pictures hidden away with her and Kaden in it. As I went into my own thoughts however I could of sworn I felt two gentle hands on my back but, when I looked back there was nothing there though the lingering scent of something vaguely familiar was left behind.

The scent of snickerdoodle cookies and of spices and motor oil. On the cot Ratchet must of smelled it too though the difference between mine and his reaction is that he was purring and mumbled something under his breath sounding much like "I miss you mom and dad."

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