Breaking Point

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*Rivet's P.O.V*

When it became silent I had feared the worse but, when the nurses as well as me and ratchet looked to my dad we all relized he was panting from the pain but, was surprisingly still awake. After giving my dad a few minutes to recover from getting his shoulder back in place the nurse with the sling carefully put his arm in while another inserted the iv so it could get to work on lessening the pain.

As I watched them moving around it reminded me a bit too much about when I woke up on a table with the morts using what they could to amputate my destroyed arm and I could feel myself breathing a little faster because instead of alister on that table I was seeing myself in his place however I quickly broke from that state feeling Ratchet squeezing my organic hand and pointing with his ears to a different room before leading me away gently with Clank and Kit following close behind from the room they were in.

Ratchet's P.O.V

As I led Rivet away from the room I could still feel her shaking lightly against me. Knowing this was a sign of her being scared and reminded of her past I knew I had to get her out of the room for the time being to help calm her down. To be honest I needed out of that room as well as despite what happened in the past I couldn't handle seeing the ex general like that. He had gone out ahead to fight that demon's army while I was out and despite it honestly pissing me off that I couldn't go out and help right now it didn't mean I wouldn't get my chance.

Even unconscious I had sensed a huge power surge of some sort which was the main reason I had woken up in the first place but there was another reason which had honestly made me question my sanity because I could of sworn I heard someone saying "wake up Ratchet! She needs you."

Right after that everything that had happened to put me in my current situation went through my mind reminding me of the war that was currently going on though the main focus seemed to circle around Rivet,Alister,Clank and Kit and then it branched out to the others with us.

Out of all the lombaxes that came over Rex who seemed really mature and of higher rank and Mags who I heard about from the lorbs were the main two that interested me though all of them did and I knew they all had stories they may want to tell however I don't think they will tell me, Rivet, Clank and Kit about them until everything was said and done.

For now my focus was on Rivet as not only a friend but, as her partner. I had gently sat her on a chair in the room I led her to and had taken a seat myself as my legs were about to give out from over-taxing them I had then asked if it was ok for me to hug her or did she want to just talk and I got my response when she lunged forward and pulled me in keeping me as close as she could while being careful of the stitching underneath the bandages.

Though slightly stunned by the force that I should be used to I had hugged back and nuzzled into her cheek to reassure her that she wasn't alone to deal with her traumatic memories of the past anymore. That one nuzzle was enough for her to let some of her deep rooted pain come to the surface and I felt her hide her face into my neck as muffled sobs could be heard. It hurt seeing her like this but, I also knew that everyone has a breaking point and Rivet's has been held back for years. For the time being I will stay here with her as she was finally letting go of some of that pain of the past.

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