The Final Battle Begins(p.1)

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*Ratchet's P.O.V*

After Rivet and I hugged each other and took some time to comfort one another one of the doctors asked if we wanted to come back to where alister was if we felt up to it and with a hesitant nod from rivet we both did our own breathing excercises that we have adapted to calm our nerves and went back to where Alister was and relized he was surprisingly awake a lot faster then anyone figured he would be. When we got closer we could hear him hissing from the pain he was in but, what concerned me was the fact one of the doctor's had uncovered a stab wound that had been hidden previously and it was obvious that it was a fairly deep wound from a very sharp object and if it hadn't been for Alister's armor and his foresight to wear another armor piece under his pratorian gear he would of likely never been able to use his arm again.

Despite having a really good guess on how he got it I had hesitantly asked "who attacked you Alister?" and I got a rather snappy reply with a slight growl with him saying "the bastard and his sceptor!"

Despite not meaning to I had taken a visible step back which got me several confused looks from the others as if I was in the wrong just because of my reaction however, a couple seconds late Alister calmed his anger much like Rivet and I when we got pissed before he told the others that it was ok and that I had my reasons on my sudden reaction. Hearing this the others were obviously curious and some were seemingly concerned though they had simply nodded before backing off a little.

They were all stunned into silence when Alister's ears went down and those that knew him on a personal level had asked the others to quiet down which confused me though soon enough Alister faced me with direct eye contact which gave me a major sense of deja vu as the memory linked with the clock and the last time I thought I would see him alive flashed in front of me before my thoughts came back to the current time just as Alister apologized saying "sorry that I snapped at you Ratchet just frustrated and angry that he's back after so many years. He managed to blindside me back then and instead of helping us like he promised me and the council he instead ruined everything for all of us."

The room had filled with various responses of agreement and instead of them acting hostile like I figured they would from being reminded of why they left originally they instead considered Alister's words carefully before they all seemingly relized at the same time what exactly alister had said.

Almost every single one of their eyes drifted to the ground, their tails went limp behind them and their ears folded down. I didn't say anything as it seems they have all ultimately decided silently that they had all unfairly punishing him instead of hearing him out on why he did it because they had been blinded by anger and had been hurting with the loss of so many lives and the loss of their homes. I knew even though they acknowledged this they would likely still have a grudge against him but, at least now I nor rivet had to worry too much on them suddenly wanting to kill him out of anger. One thing I was wondering however was how did Alister get so banged up if he had a team unless he was trying to fight Tachyon and kill him himself without any help.

Honestly it seemed like something he would do but, that also made me a bit angered as it was reckless behavior to fight Tachyon single-handedly and though I knew my dad had to do the same and died trying I knew in his case there was nobody he could go to. When it was my turn to fight Tachyon years later I had help for my first half from Talwyn, Cronk and Zephyr but, by the second half I was struggling big time. I had nearly ran out of all ammo in my weapons except for my wrench, my pistol, the tesla spikes, the constructo bombs and mr. zurkon as they had minimal effect on the armor Tachyon's throne had.

I had felt true fear of being killed that day and that fear was rearing its head again as Tachyon was back and more powerful then ever with a army ten times bigger then when he brought the craigmite over to our side of the dimensions. We may have a army ourselves but, our numbers are drastically smaller compared to the craigmite that was likely regrouping somewhere else right now.

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