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Ratchet's P.O.V.

Seeing just how big the camp was is beyond intimidating and made me realize even with the extra help we still may not stand a chance. How did Tachyon get so many troops in such a short amount of time!? How did he survive so long for that matter? he was literally sent to a barren planet away from any sort of civilization.

I didn't even think that he would be back or I would of been preparing and now we had no time to find more help. Did I just doom my own species again after so many years? In fact was history going to repeat itself!? There are so many questions and no answers. On top of all that I could feel myself going into a panic attack and knew I needed to calm down. With that in mind I started the three nearby items search to ground myself and then focused on my breathing which was slightly painful but doable due to the healing injuries.

I could feel rivet's organic arm on my back which continued to assist in reminding me I wasn't alone and was there if needed. I must protect her as well as everyone willing to help. I looked around to see Rex giving me a thumbs up and mouthed "we can do this."

I would have to hope that was the case or the efforts that my dad and Mags as well as anyone else who might have been involved would be wasted. My dad lost my mom and saved me by sending me away to a planet nobody really paid attention to so I could have a chance and then was potentially killed by Tachyon shortly after if the craigmite was saying the truth though alister was unsure of when Tachyon could have caught up to him so by some miracle he might still be out there but, I didn't know and even if he's alive I don't know where he would be.

As I calmed down Rex gestured we get back to camp as quickly and quietly as possible and I had agreed before carefully getting up. Rivet kept near despite me letting her know I was ok now but, that was only because I wanted to reassure her because I hate that I worry her. She worries me to but, between the two of us she was more composed right now.

The first half of getting back went without issue however on the second half we failed to relize a trap had already been set along the route back and suddenly several bells went off around us. Instantly all of us hid behind cover in darkness and turned the lights off on our armor to maximize being hidden. Not even three minutes later and that infernal throne comes stomping in destroying all stone in its path with ease as well as a few goons for less coming up right behind it. Instantly I could feel that renewed anger but, also intense fear. When I peeked out very carefully I was able to see that Tachyon was scarred from the face and what looked like down to his chest and one of his fin flaps was torn up. His stature was still small but now he appeared to have some sort of titanium plate armor covering the rest of the scar instead of his imperial robes he wore when I first saw him and his throne was made from the same metal.

As he yelled out orders saying "find whatever tripped that alarm or you might as well forget about that spa trip ingrates!"

That all too familiar screeching voice was as grating as ever as I heard everyone behind me quietly wince and put there hands over their ears including Rivet though she was starting to act off as she watched the emperor destroy things with a laser. Luckily where he hit was nowhere near where the others were but, I could tell they heard it.

All our communicators very quietly buzzed though we all silenced them as Tachyon and the few goons got a bit too close and actually peeked into our hiding spot until the sound of a very familiar electric charge was heard quickly followed by a explosion. The sound instantly caused Tachyon and the goons to run towards the opposite direction of us and when out of earshot the sound of crunching gravel coming closer to the cave was heard before the voice of alister confirmed it was ok to come out but, that we needed to hurry as the distraction wouldn't last long.

We all filed out carefully before we started moving quickly towards the other lombaxes. We kept our eyes and ears peeled in case Tachyon or a goon was lying in wait to ambush us but, luckily we weren't followed and got back to the hide out where several worried individuals got closer while alister returned the wrench he had to the wall of hidden weapons with help of Mags who had gone over to type in the code.

Even from here I could see that Alister was shaking though from fear of having used the same weapon type that nearly killed me if Clank hadn't pushed me out of the way or from having to put the weapon that signifies that he had once been a past pratorian guard member at one time I wasn't sure. All I knew is that I was thankful he redirected Tachyon's attention otherwise I would of pounced despite it being beyond risky if I would of done so. If I can help it nobody will be killed by that craigmite or his army this I swear.

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