Sleep Deprived

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3rd person P.O.V

In the morning the smell of pancakes were the primary scent filling the house. Rivet had woken up already purring from the scent and got into a clean grey t-shirt and jeans. As she went to greet Ratchet her partner Kit had woken and walked beside her. As they both entered the kitchen Rivet had spotted Ratchet and saw his fur was still messy but, otherwise seemed to be doing better.

Rivet's P.O.V

It was reassuring to see Ratchet was doing better however as Kit kept back and stood on the table with Clank I decided to get a bit closer and could feel my heart tightening in sadness. Ratchet's fur had very recent tear track stains and I knew he must of had another nightmare.

In order not to startle him I gently tapped his shoulder to let him know I was there. Despite being gentle Ratchet had still jumped slightly before he had pulled me in for a hug and nuzzled my cheek. I hugged back despite not being used to being nuzzled knowing he likely needed comfort and maybe reassurance from something. I had started purring as it was always calming to Ratchet and figured it could fill the void we both had.

Hopefully the void closes when we find the others but, we both knew our parents were gone and the general of Ratchet's Dimention was also gone. I wasn't sure if there would be another version of the general in one of the other zones or is it a case of if one version dies the other likely had passed too.

Even if the general or a descendent of him is alive in another zone I'm not sure Ratchet would be able to face a alternate dimension look alike. He's still suffering nightmares from the one in his own dimension and losing sleep because of it. Ratchet's once shadow free eyes now had dark circles making him look sickly and I could hear he was stifling a cough even now and led him to the couch.

"Ratchet I know you dislike being singled out but, you need to try getting some sleep. I will finish cooking up breakfast but, please try to rest. I'm right here so if you need me just call or ask clank to call me over. I can tell you're getting sick from lack of sleep and it's concerning. I don't think we want to end up in the hospital again any time soon but, I won't hesitate to do so if it will help you get better."

On the couch I could hear Ratchet trying to retort back but, it was mostly a last ditch effort to avoid sleeping as he was passed out minutes later. Kit and Clank covered him up with his favorite fluffy blanket with various mechanic tools and bolts on it then stayed nearby just in case. In the Kitchen I had finished making the breakfast and ate my portion of it and wrapped the rest in press and seal and put it in the microwave to keep it warm so Ratchet had food when he woke up.

As I picked up around the house quietly I heard a knock on the door to see Talwyn. We greeted each other as we became friends pretty quickly and let her come in as it was raining outside.

Talwyn's P.O.V

"Hey Rivet, I know this may seem rude jumping right to this question but, how are things going with Ratchet? Clank messaged me yesterday that he had a pretty bad dream and again today."

Rivet's ears went down slightly signaling it wasn't going too great as she looked towards Ratchet on the couch. When I followed her gaze I instantly had the familiar feeling of worry that had hung on like a leech when Ratchet had lost Clank to Nefarious a few years back.

Ratchet had scared me several times during that time as he would go into fits of rage and take it out on the enemies in the battleplex or in the training yard and when not in those areas he would curl into a ball and mess with his tail. It didn't take long to figure out he had separation anxiety and depression which were lessened by him fighting in the battleplex, staying close to me, cronk and zephyr as well as some medicine. I'm starting to wonder if there is something that Clank hasn't told me.

Ratchet had meantioned a general that he met that was a lombax which at first made me happy but, as the story continued I ended up mortified. Clank's behavior at the time told me there was more to the story but, never elaborated on it and would simply say "Ratchet's ok now and that's more than enough for me."

Back in the present I had quietly gone over to where Ratchet was and backed up slightly in shock and concern as the dark shadows under his eyes indicated he still wasn't sleeping well due to nightmares and that it has been going like this for at least a week. When I looked to the other three they were in the same boat but, Rivet's body language told me she was the most concerned. Rivet went to pet Ratchet's ears as it helped him sleep before looking to me. Even without words I could tell she was silently asking what we should do and for once I didn't have a answer.

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